Sep 17, 2005 10:09
Ok it's official. I love the cold I have! I've lost 6 lbs since I've been sick and I'm down to 109! How amazing is that. I'm working on getting better and I think after today, my body will be well again.
In other news, I bought some new shampoo and conditioner for my hair! It has been looking and feeling very unhealthy since I haven't properly washed it in about...2 weeks? It's in need of some extra attention.
Another thing that is in need of extra attention is my room. It's looking extremely haggard as of right now and I need to do something about that STAT! Well since I'm going to clean my room, why don't I clean some of the house as well eh. Haha it's not like my bovine sister is going to get off her fat ass and clean. Hahaha! Dumb bitch.
Anyway. Hilary Duff is looking really slim lately. I think she's been turned out on coke. Aside from that, she's my thinspiration! I want to weigh 100lbs! She's probably hanging around 95lbs (gross), but I'm more muscle than anything so I just want to get rid of the fat on my legs. I guess I'll just have to amp up the running!
I was thinking the other night and I'm sort of at a cross roads of whether I want to be a Family Practice Doctor or a Doctor of Pharmacy. Being a FP Doctor would mean about 3 more years of school than I originally planned, but I would be able to help people in a completely different way than a Pharmacist can. Then again I guess I could be a Clinical Pharmacist. You kind of get to work with patients if that's your title. I just want to heal and help people. --sigh-- Life is so confusing sometimes.
EDIT:1724 I just bought some diet pills (oh my gah stupid I know), but I figure. What the hell! If I die young at least I'll die skinny. Muahahaha! Also, I was watching this new show on VH1 with Adrien from ANTM and the original Peter Brady and it made me realize. Adam is an idiot and a coward. Lol just kidding. It made me realize that I miss being more free spirited. Granted I'm still very outgoing, but I'm also a little bit more reserved than I used to be. I miss being loud when having a good time with friends and making everyone around me laugh. I need to start doing that again because it made me happy knowing I was making other people happy. /EDIT