-This makes things a lot clearer.
http://www.slate.com/id/2209298/?GT1=38001 We thought he was just super nervous at the time.
-We ended up watching the Inauguration at Stata and it was fun. Loud applause when Obama was officially president, when ABC said that the white house site had just changed (in its bizarre commentary), awkward silence on TV and in the room when Obama thanked Bush for doing a good job w/ the transition, and most awesome of all, when Obama mentioned science just b/c we're all nerds, there was a loud applause there. I enjoyed the speech, for the most part. Beginning was a bit of a downer but I liked the rest of the speech. I especially liked the part where he said that the US would start acting as a friend to all/the unclenched fist line-I'm glad/hoping that this is the direction we take in terms of foreign policy for the next few years.
-Poem was eh...the John Williams piece was lovely; I especially liked watching YoYo Ma. He always looks so happy when he plays. Benediction speaker was pretty good especially given the fact that he's ~87. The end of his speech was amusing (resulting in a huh? what? Double take? ) especially given the different tone he had throughout the speech. He basically said: "when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead man and when white would embrace what is right."