Many things related to stuff

Jul 29, 2010 16:44

More Joy

1. I do plan to get this going again. I have a small seed fund for it. What I'm wondering-- would people still want to participate if that money went to a predetermined charity instead of back into their pockets? Last year's total would have donated more than $2000 to a cause. Thoughts?

2. I have at least two people who never gave me a place to send their More Joy money. If that's you, please tell me what to do with your money.

Birthday reminder

As is traditional, I'm telling you now that my birthday is on the 10th. This is your only reminder. Spare me the cries later of "but you never told us!" I have. Right now.


This is actually unrelated to the above item. I just needed to give myself a reminder that I need to prioritize my list of wants so that I can budget for them. There was a prioritization app out there somewhere that I wish I could find again. It was cool.


I'm glad my roommate is grocery shopping today. We're out of, like, everything.


When did LJ put that "select tags" link on their update page? I has a fond!

shameless, greed, more joy, thinky thoughts

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