Apr 26, 2007 02:48
Very quick bullet point update since I'm tired and drunk
A). I bought my first car Monday, she is gorgeous. She is a 1.5 3 door red Daewoo NExia. I have named her Princess Lucy, when the weather is nice again I shall take pics.
B). I just got back from a night out for my friends brithday and am covered in paint form them pinning me down in the toilets and putting it all over me.
C). I have to be upo very soon to go and work a funeral, will have a bitch of a hangover
D). My bro gave me his cash card and I oew him £40 as well as trying to pay for my car...eek, money problems scul
E). Men also suck, I pulled one of my friends' friends tonight, he seemd wonderful, told me hed be back in a min while he went to the otilet. HJalf and hour later, we're just walking around the club when he walks staright past me, shoots me a dirty look and goes and pulls some other girl. WTf?
F)> Some of the guys from the rugby club, I work at were out tonight and taking the piss out of me because I'm very dsrunk and was having diffiuclty walking in a straight line, I was also wearing 4 inch heels.
G). we live by a country park and some twat didnt pick up their dog mess aand it was dark, and the only way to get to my house is up a narrow lane AND i stepped in some dog mess. in my grgeous shoes which cost me about £60. Its not dufficult to clean up after your dog and if youre not going to, at least dont let it on my driveway.
Sorry for all typos, is diffuclt to see keyboard when you're quite drunk and don';t have glasses one