5 Moments of Silence: The Daughter of Death [Video]

Nov 21, 2010 15:33

[Hotaru just stares at the PCD screen for a while before she lets out a hiss and dark purple eyes gaze at it.]

Loathsome and wretched wastes of space! All such useless creatures filling this wasteland with your detestable and repulsive existences. Vile globs of puss and flesh that you all are... you should be exterminated like the vermin you truly present yourselves to be. You all show no purpose in life except to destroy and scurry about like roaches under foot. Worse than that, you are pure parasites feeding off the world until it is completely empty of the beauty it once held.

Foul infestations!

[She grins and clenches her fist.]

Creatures lacking purpose should not be here.

[A dark chuckle exits her lips.]

Oh yessss... yes, and you shall be such easy creatures to rend, to break, to shatter, and dispose.

You should receive exactly what you have earned, and you've earned your destruction in this land of ruin.

[OOC: Hotaru has been struck with wrath and diligence. If you would like her to hunt down your muse and fight/kill them I'm all for it!]

dangerous child, *event: sins and virtues, 005

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