Witchesreign app

Jul 19, 2011 08:17

Name: Ana
Journal: crown_of_guilt
Contact: anakhathesilver @ AIM, anakha @ plurk

Character Name: Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn
Series: Sailor Moon
Gender: Female
Age & Canon Point: Around 12-ish, post-Galaxia
Requested Sponsor: Amber or Lapis Lazuli
Entry position: Cadet
History: Here and here
Abilities & Physical Abnormalities: Here’s this. Hotaru is also shown to have healing abilities, as well as the ability to rapidly learn anything. After being reborn and aging rapidly, she excels at violin and reads every book in the house, going so far as to memorize poems that should be well beyond her.
Personality: The first thing one must realize is that Hotaru and Saturn are actually two separate personalities, both aware of the other. They are characterized differently, with slightly differing speech patterns. However, they are still both part of the same person.

Hotaru is a very kind and polite person. She spent most of her life as an outcast, and even though rebirth has made her more outgoing, old habits die hard. She’s always putting others before her, even if it means her own health-an attribute that makes her an excellent Senshi, and a trait she’s managed to give to Saturn. This is especially displayed in Stars where she disobeyed and went after Pluto in an attempt to save her, only for them both to die.

She’s a very compassionate individual, but she can also be selfish. In her second life, she was often jealous of the time her father spent with Kaori. She also finds the concept of death to be quite sad, perhaps due to the loss of her mother at a young age, perhaps due to her own frailness, or perhaps a combination of both. She is childish, because she is, indeed, a child inside, and was finally allowed a partial childhood.

She also readily admits that her father was gone for a long time, admitting that she was deluding herself as she says a good-bye to the. She is also an incredibly brave and persistent girl, continuously telling herself that she cannot let out the dark presence within her-referring to Mistress 9 as opposed to Saturn, as Saturn only called out to the Outer Scouts in order to draw them to the Delta to notice the Daimons in the first place.

She risks her very soul, which is slowly being torn to shreds by Mistress 9, to protect ChibiUsa and the Inner Senshi, then forces herself out of her own body, allowing it to die as Mistress 9 tears it apart, to return their souls. This is what allowed her other side to awaken.

Which brings us to Saturn. She is a very different person from Hotaru. While Hotaru chooses to fight for those she loves, it is entirely possibly that Saturn has few attachments to anyone. She does fight alongside and chase after ChibiUsa during the Dead Moon Circus arc, and she does let the other Outer Senshi know that Usagi and Mamoru are in danger, but she’s also openly stated that she finds the moment before destruction beautiful, showing a slight sadistic streak on top of her momentary joy of being wanted.

She does, however, have a small degree of compassion. When she could have easily annihilated all life on Earth, she instead chose to simply annihilate the Daimons and Pharaoh 90. She also happily commented that, while she brings destruction, it is to usher in the rebirth Sailor Moon brings. This shows a sort of joy at being momentarily wanted when she’s normally, by her own admission, the uninvited guest. This also shows that she is, in fact, quite lonely, but she of all of the Senshi understands that, in the end, their existence is relatively brief in this world and they are continuously going to be reborn. This is why she does not forge many bonds-they are all transient.

Their speech differs. To compare and contrast, Hotaru speaks in a more familiar and warm, but still polite, manner. Saturn, meanwhile, speaks in a detached way, remaining emotionally distant and apart from the situation to a degree. Saturn usually comes out in times of crisis.
What are your plans for the character in-game? To see Hotaru grow and expand beyond her life as a Senshi, something not seen in the series.

Anything else?

Prose Sample:
She wants to be normal. To be able to laugh and play like a normal girl, with a normal life and a normal body. But she doesn’t. Her body is scarred, and only partially her own. The connections are transient, only lasting until the day that she must silently drop her glaive. That life is not for Saturn. It is the world of Hotaru-sweet, innocent Hotaru, a girl who is only aware of Saturn’s life as if it were a dream, and yet it is a reality the girl is very much aware of. But the Senshi is ever a Senshi, and bonds are not for her. Life is brief, and as lonely as she is-as much as she desires that friendship her princess holds so dearly, she’s too aware of the nature of life and how quick it is to end for her to enjoy such things. So she will remain the diligent soldier, watching as others enjoy their friendships, secretly wishing she could be as ignorant as they are.


[Hotaru has a secret. She would gladly share with people she happened to be a Senshi, except for the fact that Saturn was the Senshi of Silence. The Goddess of Destruction. Death. There’s so much she wants to keep hidden, because it can put such a damper on any friendship to have Saturn’s presence revealed. And here, there is little reason for Saturn to do much. So keeping her a secret should be easy.

…Then why is it becoming so hard?]
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