Nov 03, 2005 01:19
Boy oh boy.
I just had the weekend of my life. It was amazing. I am so happy I requested the whole weekend of Halloween off. I didn’t go to class Friday morning, instead slept in and decided to watch SAW. It was actually the first time I watched it the full way thru since I saw it in theatres.*sighs* then I went to goodwill with sara so we could look for stuff for her to be for Halloween. Since it was about 530 on a Friday night, hopefully we could - YAY!!!!! no - lol - but seriously, we planned on all hanging out in our costumes. Sara didn’t know what to be, so I suggested a lunch lady :) she ended up being a witch like lissa though. We went to carabas and I hadn’t ever been there so I didn’t know what to get, but it was okay, cause alissa didn’t know how to talk and said the coolest thing ever, well, pretty close anyways… GORILLA SCOOT! YAY! hahaha. I found out I couldn’t put ranch on my salad and ended up ordering some spaghetti with Italian sausage. After dinner we went over to Sara’s where lissa and I played mariokart64, which was AWESOME while sara got dressed and ready. Eventually we left there and I got to drive saras vehicle which felt really cool because im used to driving a small car, whereas she has a SUV type of vehicle, so when there were cars trying to go while I was trying to go, I was like NOPE im bigger than you! T’was rather splendid.
Domo Arigato
Mr. Roboto
Domo - Domo
Domo Arigato
Mr. Roboto
Domo - Domo
Domo Arigato
Mr. Roboto
Domo Arigato
Mr. Roboto
. . .
Thank you very much
Mr. Roboto
for doing the jobs that nobody wants to
And thank you very much
Mr. Roboto
for helping me escape
Just when I needed to. Thank you
thank you
thank you
I want to thank you
thank you
Now that the random song lyrics are out of the way I can go on to say we went to see Weatherman. We actually missed the first 30 minutes but having missed that it was still a spectacular movie. As soon as we got out, lissa and sara both had to leave me by myself at the theatre. Lissa to pick up her cousins, and sara to pick up her brother.. and to hit some random kid on a bike… we wouldn’t find this out until she got back.. which was RIGHT BEFORE SAW II ahh!!!
staying at the theatre, I hung out with Andrew until people started showing up. Him and I played some DDR and I was tired.
we took up almost the whole second row with people we invited to see the latest showing of SAW II. It was so FREAKin sweet. I was happy.
Zach, Christine, Bailey, Lissa, Me, Andrew, Jessi, her boyfriend, Stevo, his girlfriend, Hampe, Sara, and Mike Hancock.
It was way rad rock w00t. I was so happy. Then the movie started and alissa and I almost died with anticipation.
FINALLY waiting a year for the sequel it was finally on. I don’t know about everyone else, btu for the most part I believe I was two steps ahead of the audience, knowing almost exactly what was gonna happen next, storyline wise. I was so happy when I was right about them going into the bathroom from the first film. The feeling I got when they displayed Adam and Zepp’s bodies was stupendous. The only thing that was better was the closing shot, in which we zoom out and fade on John (jigsaw) and he smiles cause he succeeded once again and it was just SO amazing. Ugh!
after the movie, people began leaving and hampe and I ended up going to my house where lissa came back to after driving her cousins home. I popped in the original saw and I watched it for the second time of the day. Ahhhh…. So amazing. Then at about 4, we left and went to sleep. I assume.
Saturday I hung out with frank and experienced his experienceless driving skills. We went to fry’s electronics and looked at… electronics. Then we went to the zia next to it and I wanted to get this cool nightwish poster, but they were sold out and I was sad :( him and I went to Applebee’s for happy hour and then went to game crazy. Then chris 6 called and met us there and we played DDR Mario style! Hahaha. we got some ice cream at Albertson’s and I tried to see if my friend Ashley was working there, but she wasn’t. so we went to my house and worked out some plans to go to CRACKJAX which I hadn’t been to (other than adam’s bday) in FOREVER!!
Hampe met us at tower and frank put a pair of socks on his antenna. We left there and went to crack jacks and rode some go-karts that were slow haha. Then we bought two games of mini golf and only played one. Lissa txtd me and got off earlier than I thought, then she came and hit the balls with us until it got late and cold. Since we paid for two games, but only played one, we stole some clubs and balls and I guess later on we’re GUH GO back and place s’mo. We tried to get pizza but the place was gay and would only deliver so we went to village in and I left my pay check there. It was super cool. I didn’t eat there; I got some grapefruit juice though. That was pretty sweet.
Sleep followed. Then Sunday morning I went and hung out with lissa at her place. I got to see arwyn and she was so sweet. I heart playing with her, hehee. Lissa and I eventually left and went to have pizza at the hut with hampe, who seemed to be interested in the sports game on the teli. So alissas mom saw a football player and she shouted out the wrong name, and it was funny hahaha I wish I were there. While we ate, we decided to see sawII again, so hampe pedaled his bike home while lissa and I went back to her place to prepare. Then we all left and went to see it for the second time, which I may add was WAY better than the first. We went bowling with rza (kill bill name) christine and zach. And I got to request good songs. I was happy. Hampe wasn’t though, cause they wouldn’t let him back inside with food. So we stole their bowling shoes. Came home and popped a dvd alissa didn’t want to watch in so she wouldn’t have to stay.. Shaun of the dead.
she and hampe had to go before it was over cause of stupid curfew. So I was left by myself again. I don’t remember what I did but I remember when I woke up, talking to my mom about sawII and she wanted to see it, so around 1 or so, we went and saw it AGAIN, yay! three times! I love it! my mom fell asleep in it, so I sat up close like I normally did… the ending scenes get me every time, such an amazing movie considering everything taken into account. I wrote a DISLIKE and LIKE thingie about it on my SPACE, which I’ll post here and now:
After viewing SAW and SAW II twice within the past couple of days, I figured I would go ahead and post my LIKES and DISLIKES on the sequel. If you haven’t watched either of the films, you may shy away from this entry, cause its full of spoilers.
- I didn’t like how this installment wasn’t claustrophobic like the first one was. The original we were in a bathroom or an office, or a darkroom or a bedroom or something of the sort. In the fourth shot of its predecessor, we see the outside world. Having that establishing shot; it showed too much and just didn’t feel the same.
- I didn’t like how we had eight chars to follow in the trap. It became less personal and they could have easily substituted some chars for others. They could have had some chars do things that the pointless chars would have done and got the number from eight people to four. Not knowing too much about the chars made them disposable and thus not really caring too much about them. EX: Beverly Mitchell, she whined and coughed and died. The only thing she did that was important to the plot was when she found the ‘hidden’ door and the “x marks the spot” she pointed out in the picture frame. Someone else could’ve easily said/done that.
- I didn’t like how they had Obi kidnap the people. He was the char who brought all the others into the room, right? So if Amanda was in on everything from the get go, what was the purpose of OBI kidnapping everyone and getting all of them in the room? If she was involved with Jigsaw... wouldn’t it make A LOT more sense if she did that dirty work?
- I didn’t like that the only connection the eight chars had with each other was detective Matthews. They had nothing in common WITH EACH OTHER except simple jail time.
- I didn’t like having Kerry do nothing but having the bragging rights. Unlike the OTHER characters from the first one, Kerry is still just another detective and basically looks at the monitors the whole film. Yet she brags, “hey, I’ve been on this case since day one!” but has little to nothing to show for it and is no smarter this time around than she was the first time.
- I didn’t like that Amanda said, “game over” at the end. Although it made perfect sense having her say it, just after hearing jigsaws unique voice say it, having her girly, almost porn star, voice say it just didn’t sound right. She better have a voice mask to intimidate other victims in future installments otherwise we’ll be in trouble.
- I like that the film juggled two plot lines at the same time: the one with Jigsaw and the detective and the other revolving around the eight people locked in the house. It flowed smoothly and was transitionalized very well.
- I like that it elaborated the history of Jigsaw. I like that it showed his back-story and what made him tick and WHY he’s in the rebirth state of mind.
- I liked how they had a character from the original come back and actually have a POINT to be back, rather then, “hey its whatsherface from the first one!” and then it have NO relevance to the story. As an apprentice to Jigsaw, Amanda actually had significance. It just backs up what she said from the first one (He. Helped. Me.) and supports the rebirth train of thought that Jigsaw entered once he survived his car wreck.
- I liked that the guy who scored the first film scored this film, having key situations come to life with the familiar music was eerie and totally made the moment magical.
- I liked EVERY scene that acknowledged the first film. Pretty much EVERY time they did that I got the biggest smile on my face. The sign on the wall signifying that it was Dr. Lawrence Gordon’s room, and obviously the finale. OMG, seeing Adam and Zep’s bodies was one of the most amazing feelings I’ve ever got from a movie! And the fact that the saw was used in a death of another key char was pretty sweet, too.
- I absolutely LOVE the closing scene! After Amanda says GAME OVER and it goes to the truck and shows Jigsaw. The film slowly zooms out and closes on Jigsaw; beaten up and bruised, he smiles, cause he knows that he totally just tricked detective Matthews.
- I liked that it was a well-put together sequel. Taking into consideration that the script wasn’t a SAW script and was reworked to be a SAW sequel, it not being directed by the original director, and was fast tracked to be released exactly a year after the first one, I thought it was amazingly put together - both in direction and editing.
There you have it. Let me know what you slink...
after seeing it for the third time I went home and got ready for HALLOWEEN!!! YAY!!!!!
I was so happy! Lissa came over in costume and then her and I both left in costume to bahama breeze to eat food. Hampe met us there and him and I were united! We were SHAUN and ED from SHAUN OF THE DEAD, YAY!!!! I had fun up until the food actually came into the equation. I don’t know what it is about that place, but I always get in the WORST mood when I go there. It happened again, so I’ve decided not to go there for a LONG time cause I don’t like being a down mood. Especially on Halloween! Sara met us there towards the end and we took her car to RAWHIDE which was its last night open.
Melissa who was being extremely emo met us there and I was happy she wasn’t like that the whole night and we ended up having fun. We saw some cameos in the likes of chris 6 and adam, as well as hampe’s bro and sis, ragg and candice. Then I saw MELANIE and got her new number and we’re supposedly gonna hang out, but I don’t h’tjnk so. Lissa Melissa and I watched fireworks and it was fun! The place got SO windy! Omg, It was unheard of! I dunno though, cause the a7x show was extremely windy hahehehahe.. whoa. yeah, anyways, so I went in this maze thingie with hampe and sara and hampe got tricked/scared. And then we went into a haunted house and this guy tried to scare me, but I told him I was dreamin’. Hampe and I shot each other with guns. He won two of three those :( I guess im not fast enough. OH WELL! Halloween night was so much fun! The only down part was I lost my nametag… I was sad about that, but im happy I got to spend it with alissa.
I have been really close with alissa for quite sometime now but I haven’t had the chance to spend any holidays or awesome events with her. I mean, there was her birthday, but that was completely different. I love that she is in my life and often think I take it for granted. I try so hard not to, she is simply extraordinary.
well. My eyes hurt. And I have class in the am. I typed all this without editing or stopping for too long just letting it all flow. Tonight I was kind of being a bum about stuff im gonna sleep so tomorrow can come earlier and be better ;] anyways. I don’t know what you got with this entry, but I’ll put it in blander terms.
- sawII was a good movie
- we stole stuff
- Halloween was amazing
- alissa still fascinates me
thE enD