Sep 04, 2006 21:37
Everyone is acting so increably dumb.
Me included.
You included.
This weekend I don't think I have ever posted so many hurtful bulletins talking shit, or had so many aim, msg, phone conversations talking shit about so many people.
We can not fucking live like this people.
It's obvious we all have our own little groups.
and yes we all kinda hang ou with everyone as a whole, but for the most part we have one big group.
ALLLL the C.V, San Leandro, Hayward, Dublin kids. Really I don't care where your from.
As of lately we have started so much shit between each other.
I am not talking about just my obvious situation.
There are so many other friendships that have been destroyed as of lately.
As of lately therehave been certain places I can't walk into without feeling uncomfortable.
Not bad, not threatened, but uncomfortable.
This is really too damn much.
We were all friends at one point.
or at least respected each other to a point where we could handle being in the same area.
As of now I am officailly begging you to at least think about this;
Do you want to continue acting like you're hella hardcore and would rather fuck them up than simply say you are sorry for whatever you did and leave it.
I'm not fucking asking you to become best friends again.
I know some of you.. hint hint.. that have gone through too much to be best friends.
But if we are really going to leave it like this? Where we all have our individual groups, but we all hang out in a larger group occasio0nally, but theres always some one you can't stand.
Stop being lame.
Believe me, I know it's fucking hard.
I'm having trouble doing it myself.
But how much easier would it be to just drop all the unnecesary bullshit and ACCEPT each other.
Get over yourselves.
Make this simple.
Don't expect an appology back.
but you sure as hell will feel better.
You're a pussy if you are going to continue this.
Please Help Me Out.