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Oct 23, 2009 23:25

Heeeeeeeeello LJ! Baby how you doing?
Ah, things are kinda great at the moment. Well, kinda not, because I still have a crap load of sewing to do, and I'm running out of time, but still, I can't wait for sunday and it's all just going to be GREAT I CAN FEEL IT!!!!
Ok, calm down self. Let's do it in NUMBERS! :D

1) This weekend I am going to the London Expo. For the First time. I am going with S and C (Not the C who is my sister, or the one I talk about lots either though), and will probably bump into M and C will there (goddammit another C. PEOPLE, STOP NAMING KIDS C NAMES. It inconveniences me) which will be fun, and S and I are going to Cosplay, and I'm making them! I should still be making them now actually, I snuck away to type up this. I think I can get away with it, hopefully :d SO SO SO It is going to be AWESOME! I really hope there'll be Daleks! I will tackle hug those tin-cans SO HARD. It's one of my life's ambitions to get away with hugging a Dalek. I got to hug half of one at the Doctor Who museum, but it didn't feel right :( So looking forward to it! Pocky! Dressing up! Other geeks! :D I'm going as Megurine Luka, however none of the other geeks I know knew of her, or vocaloids, so I hope someone at the expo will recognize it...Then again, if they don't, I can get away with all the costume inaccuracies that come with not enough time...¬¬ S is going as 'Casual Sailor Jupiter' which is me making a quick skirt and sewing a collar on a white t-shirt, and I'm making C some gauntlets to go with a few other geeky things she's got, so she's not actually a character, but she'll look awesome. I. CAN'T. WAIT. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! XD !!!

2) We've baked a lot recently, and discovered a new gingerbread recipe, which isn't too gingery and uses delichus golden syrup...

3) I started a Deviantart! Actually, that one's kindof a pain as well as a good thing, as google links keeps telling me "OOPS the links broken!" too much for it to be funny. But anyway! It's really nice cause I can put the best of my drawings up somewhere, and there are loads of great drawers on there...So pretty!

4) I'm watching a lot of Batman the Brave and the Bold. SRSLY, that cartoon is some fun business. Like, one episode, Batman gets swallowed by a mind-controlled whale, and fights a giant squid IN THE WALE. And that was only a small part of one fight scene in the first half of the episode. And another time, Batman gets hit with these mutating cells, so the Atom and Aquaman go into his blood stream to beat 'em up, and Aquaman uses his fish powers and manages to summons a white blood cell so they can get out fast, and is then all "We found you in Batman's bloodstream, so I shall call you Platelet!" And the Atom is like "Yeah, great...but that's a Lymphocyte." Oh Aquaman, you so crazy. Actually, I think I just like platelet. Platelet is awesome. FOOOOORRRR PLATELET!!!!!! Ahem. So yeah, that's some fun TV, Brave and the Bold!

5) I'm into My little ponies again. Not that I ever really collected them, but I have the small Herd/horde from me and my sister's childhood, and I picked up three cute ones last year on super sale...But then I just found a cheap (-Ish. Okay, not really cheap, but whatever) Minty on eBay. Grabbed a Waterfire and Starcatcher over the last couple days too, so they'll arrive in a bit (Postal strike over, Y/N?). I always wanted Starcatcher, when she first came out in, ummm, 2003?, I thought she was so special looking, with her wings and leaping pose...Apparently a lot of collectors didn't like her wings (Why not? They were adorable!). And I really like orange and blue together, which I thought when I saw Waterfire in stores, but she came with this huge play set, or at least the one I saw did. So yeah. I won't be going absolutely crazy over ponies now, but core 7, and the infantilization of the lines out now are kinda solidifying my plans of picking up any G3 ponies that caught my eye before on ebay, if they aren't too much. (Haha, Suuuuure, you're not obsessy-face over my little ponies, you just happen to know all the terms...a_a). I'm going to give those three to my mother to put in my stocking, cause I'd like them in there, and I'm sure I can wait till Christmas!
Ha, you wanna know something funny about the ponies? A while ago (when K last came round, so quite a while ago) K saw the my little pony herd hanging out on the shelves (I thought they deserved an airing from the box) and said; "Whoa, that's a lot of my little ponies." And I said "Ha, you know what's funny? That's really not even a lot." I have around 21-5 ponies, and I think the average 'Collection' is at least 80+. I'm very happy with my little lot. Seriously, my little ponies are like, little condensed bits of happy. Why? WHY? We need some science-ing done over here guys.

6) I'm listening to early electro music. I never knew Gary Numan's song 'Are friends Electric?' existed, and it seems that Sugababes just took his entire song and stuck new lyrics on without letting anyone know that they took an entire tune. C'mon! Rappers do that 'Featuring so-n-so' thing, you should too! It's really not fair to take an entire tune and not tell your listeners you did that. Not cool! Also, ripping a hole in that glorious song known as 'I'm too sexy for my shirt' has really taken you down in my eyes. Seriously? Why not just murder 'Never gonna give you up' as well?
...Actually, I'd like to see that. I have no idea if anyone could actually do that.

7) I should go to bed. Oh yeah, I also discovered Pink Floyd! Yeah, yeah, I know, majorly late, whatever. My dad have a vinyl record player and played me the 'Wall' album and 'Pigs on the wing' and another one that had a kinda Labyrinth-y sounding tune...Anyway, they are amazing (although wall is sad and I don't like the beating the girlfriend song) and I've really gotta thank my dad for introducing them to me.

blather, dear lj...

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