not nobody, not a thousand beers, will keep us from feeling so all alone...

Jun 23, 2006 10:51


i'm awake cuz the stupid lawnmowers are buzzzing right in my ear outside my window..arrrg

so last night was pj's and you know thats always fun, but i'll come back to that.

i bought a GUITAR!!!  yesterday i decided to go to hermes and have a look, and i wasnt planning on spending more that 200-300 bucks. well i ended up spending $548! i couldnt resist, i just had to. so now i hope i can put it to some good use.

so my crazy asian stalker shows up at pj's. i try say hi and be cool and then i went back to dancing. he was being all wierdo just standing there and starring at me. i asked him what was up and he said nothing, so i siad ok, whatever.  ha and then later on juan slapped him, lol, cuz analuz thought that shihan had told her she didnt have "high tits", but it turns out he actually said "high pitched". that was funny. so juan said sorry and shihan was ok about it. then i was tired and i wanted to go home, but shihan wanted me to give him a ride. i said i didnt want to give him a ride cuz i just wanted to go home, and that he could just go with his friends. so he follows me outside and doesnt wanna let me leave! he was saying all this crap and that i was being mean, and he was trying to get me to hug him. i told him look im not trying to be mean, i already told you by and hugged u inside, now i just wanna go home. and he asked whats wrong? i told him your being crazy and annoying! you wont leave! i just wanna leave! and then he finally left.
i dunno why i dont like him, besides the fact that he can be a total psycho. he's actually a really nice guy, and he would buy me stuff too, and he said he'd let me take my time, but ahh i just dont know. i never know.

today i'm supposed to hang out with Mr. Erick Dove. were supposed to go to the shisha when i get out of work. awh i hope he doesnt flake out and i hope hes not a stalker.
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