*Genatria sighed as she glanced around, taking in what was to be her new home. It wasn't too bad; in all honesty, the planet seemed to be quite pretty. It reminded her of some of the other organic planets she visited a long time ago. After mumbling a soft 'thank you' to Omega Supreme ("Gratitude, unnecessary."), the slight femme slowly trekked
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Say what?
::Come, Gen. There's mischief to be had. YU-GI-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!::
*Bright light shines as Psych assumes control.*
(This shouldn't be physically possible!)
::...Why do I still look like a femme?::
(I dunno. Because Primus hates you?)
*Psych shrugs, and then pulls out a permanent marker.* ::Enough chit-chat! It is time to wreak havoc!:: *Psych the starts doodling on Finch's and Hound's faces, giving them mustaches and glasses and goatees and other various things, all while singing the Hamster Dance song.*
(I do not know you.)
((Moral of today's story? An impatient Neko is a bored Neko, and a bored Neko is no 'bot's friend. ;P))
((Heh so...Hound waggles the fake eyebrows and mustache and wiggles a fake cigar at Gen, looking all the world like Groucho.))
((Gen is 'snrk'ing while Psych grins and hands Hound the marker to take place of the air-cigar.))
(What do we do now? Wait?)
::I guess so...:: *Five cycles pass before he speaks up again.* ::I'm booooooored.::
(Me, too. XP)
::Wanna see if we can balance him on that shoulder cannon of his?::
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