(no subject)

Nov 26, 2006 21:04

Heyy eljay. I'm tired. I also cannot sleep. Kind of like... eating icecream with mayonaise and ketchup and garlic sauce and chopped bananas and a bloody rat that's still twitching with the last stages of life. Not the best combination.

I am really messed up.

Ohmygod. But I'm not complaining. I don't wanna go to school tomorrow. That's my only real complaint, currently. Currently the weather is fourty-six degrees Farenheit.

Things are okay right now. Really okay. Really really okay. I feel okay. OK. That's a funny word. Who came up with it? Where'd it come from? OKAY? I'm gonna go look that up. Right now.

Origin: initials of a facetious folk phonetic spelling, e.g., oll or orl korrect representing all correct, first attested in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1839, then used in 1840 by Democrat partisans of Martin Van Buren during his election campaign, who allegedly named their organization, the O.K. Club, in allusion to the initials of Old Kinderhook, Van Buren's nickname, derived from his birthplace Kinderhook, New York.

-Few Americanisms have been more successful than ok, which survived the political campaign of 1840 that fostered it, quickly lost its political significance, and went on to develop use as a verb, adverb, noun, and interjection. The expression was well known in England by the 1880s. Today ok has achieved worldwide recognition and use. It occurs in all but the most formal speech and writing.

Verb, adverb, noun, AND interjection. I'm impressed. Go Democrats. OF COURSE we came up with the word "OK."

And since I'm kind of on the subject...what's the deal with people using the adjective "much" after their nouns like, "Fun much?" "Boring much?" "Early much!" Shut up much. If you can't put your descriptions before your nouns then speak French. Stupide beacoup! (That translates literally to "stupid much!" HAR HAR.)

On the interstate today...and Friday...I went 103 mph. In an '00 Honda Comfortable Recreational Vehicle. Bahahha.

Uuugh. Where are my brain cells.

Jack Johnson...you are a gay, gay (and I'm using the term in a generic derogatory manner...homosexuals should probably just forget that the word ever referred to them cause otherwise they're bound to get offended and that's not what I'm going for. Er...make love not war? I hate distracting parenthetical...things...goddamnit I'm retarded right now) man. Stop singing songs that get stuck in my head.

Sleeeeeeeeeeeep, please and thank-you?
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