Sep 07, 2008 07:41
I am tired of the lies... Somehow I am beginning to understand that I really don't know myself as well as I should. I mean lately I have been doing things that contradict my own reality. I have been acting in such a way that I usually don't. I am rather sad that I am holding it in like this but at the same time sometimes its better to let things sleep and stay that way. Its better to just watch that little piece of you that you sometimes hate just wither and die with time. eventually you forget but the longer you try the harder it is. There is no way of knowing everything so really I guess I am just letting myself fill in the blanks the right way not the wrong way. I don't know why people do and act the way they do but hey I am glad in a way that I don't understand. If I knew I bet I would not be as happy as I am. Or would I?