May 14, 2008 08:19
So after a kick in the ass from my mom I got a bit more focused about my running training and instead of halfing the Sunday runs I got hardcore and we did the 9 miles a few days ago. It was pretty awesome. To go from maybe doing 4.5 at most to rocking 9 felt really good. It was a total mental block the first half and then by the time I was in the mindset that I could actually finish it was when the physical aches came in, but I finished. Ha, probably because I had a film crew in a jeep following me as I ran so the thought of crying and quitting on camera didn't really appeal to me. The producers for the documentary adore me and my mom together because we bicker in a strange way. It was fun to do interviews and get that all going.
Crummy day yesterday though. Licensing came to our center which put everyone in a tizzy, Wendy decided to keep Charlotte at her daycare for summer so I probably won't be doing a nanny share which I'm bummed about though not mad at all, my hip joint was clicking and being all hella painful, then I get home and find pieces of chewed up plastic all over and realize it's my glasses. Damn dogs ate my glasses and even scratched up the lenses so I'm rocking contacts due to the fact I have no insurance or enough monies to shell out for a new pair, lame! But I cleaned furiously and then ran hella on the tredmill and ended up feeling better. I also sent my resume and letter of interest to a super awesome company so I'll keep my fingers crossed for a reply.
Breakfast time, yo.