Jun 01, 2009 13:18
I'm cynical, so I wouldn't bother making a wish, exactly, but I would like to find someone.
I'm sure I'm not the only whose childhood best friend moved halfway across the country without bothering to leave contact information -to be fair, he was evacuating from Katrina, and we didn't know he wouldn't be coming right back- and simply faded into the background. I'm one of those people who doesn't forget things easily, especially other people, and if he's hiding the background, I guess my peripheral vision is excellent.
It's been...four years since he left, and about seven since we were really close, but we always had a kind of connection, the type that allows you to pick up where you left off after extended periods of time.
I guess, then, that I'd wish he'd call me tomorrow. My birthday. I called him for his for two years, until I figured out someone had given me the wrong number, or it had been disconnected, or something. I have been semi-actively searching for him, but lately I've decided that if he isn't here, he isn't here, and that's all there is to say.
Still, he shows up in random thoughts every now and then, and...well, I miss him. Is that a good enough reason? I don't know. But I keep hoping we'll run into each other again.
writer's block