Hey all, I still need addresses for a bunch/most of you. With luck, we'll be sending invitations w/in 2 weeks, so please send it to me soon. If you're a 'friend', you can see my email. If not, post a reply and I'll friend you. Since we're doing this in the Lobo Theater, there's plenty of room for everybody. Ans since I'm moving to Dallas, it would be really great to actually get to see everyone. And, if you're wondering, we're going to be more interesting in your presence than presents. If you want to give something and not spend money, help us out with putting stuff together, there's lots to do.
About the post-wedding show, we're still working on that. CRTC is definitely in, and DJ Rexx is definitely in. One way or another, we'll be doing something cool. We may also need help with organizing some of this stuff too, so let me know if you'd like to volunteer.
Also, I think G. will be in town on Thursday, Feb. 12. So, it would be cool to get together with people before I move to the big, scary state. Let me know if you have any suggestions. I'll post more info as we figure it out.
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