Pt. 2
The holidays were wonderful, and I got to spend them w/ my fiance, G. He flew up here & we spent x-mas w/ my family, incl. my bro & his fiance. Except for the churchy stuff, it was pretty cool. Our drive to visit G's family in Scottsdale was canceled due to a severe storm in Flagstaff.
Last Tues we flew to Dallas to hang out at his place & look for a rental place. On Wed we woke up sick. So much for lots of looking. We did get out Fri & Sat to look (& delayed my flight back). More on that below.
Saw Matrix: Revolutions & Return of the King. Everyone has already criticized Matrix. I liked it, but felt the acting/dialogue was too pat and it didn't give me the shivers (like the original did, you know which scene(s)). I did like the fact that I didn't expect alot of what happened, so for me it wasn't too predictable. As for ROTK, omigawddamn, talk about _shivers_ (and a horribly full bladder)! It had everything I felt Matrix had missed. One of the best movies I've ever seen, hands down.
Back to the housing stuff. We put in two applications for nicely-sized houses, either of which we'd be very happy with. The owners were going to do background checks. So, a week later, we haven't heard back. I even called and left messages yesterday, still no response. To me, any landlord worth his salt would get back to us w/ a Y/N so that at least we'd know whether to keep looking. And it's not like they should have any quibbles, G has a great job and we both should have clean criminal/credit/rental histories. grrrrrrrrrr..........
So, I'm going to call around to some other places & get G to look at them. We seem to have the same tastes/desires, so I trust him to find a good place for us.