It's Scary; It's Glorious!

May 01, 2008 23:03

Just got back from the Sarah Slean concert, and it was amazing. Set in this church that has been converted into a music conservatory (still has the stained glass and the pipe organ, so it was incredibly small and intimate. Seating was in pews, wherever seating could be found, opening act was fabulous (Royal Woods-he played the Oompa Loompa song from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!), and Sarah Slean was evidently wonderful, irritatingly gorgeous, and captivating. I've always thought that she has a beautiful voice, but it was so much more ethereal live...

I'd been hugely looking forward to this concert since the dates were announced, to the point where I listened to Sarah Slean for nearly a month straight (although there was a brief Depeche Mode binge in there somewhere) and stopped filling in the "Listening to" on my entries because I thought you would judge me for listening to nothing else...

Anyway, the concert did not disappoint in the slightest. Not at all.

Get Home
Notes from the Underground
Hopeful Hearts
So Many Miles
Lucky Me
When Another Midnight
Out in the Park
Goodnight Trouble
No Place At All
Please Be Good to Me
Sound of Water/Change Your Mind
Looking for Someone

First Encore
The Rose
Wake Up

Second Encore
River of Jordan (? I've never heard this song before, but the name seems to ring a bell...)

So many wonderful takes on the songs, that I don't know where to start-she turned "Lucky Me" into what sounded like a Russian folk song, had a wonderful band (so different from the string quartet that she used for some of the tracks on "Orphan Music"), and played nearly every song from her new album (except Shadowland, which I don't think would work live anyway) and got most of my absolute favourites.

Was very cute, witty, and chatty-all in all, probably the best concert I've been to yet. (Yes, I know-blasphemy!)

In other news, I am on day five of twelve days straight of work. Does someone want to remind me why I thought this would be a good idea? I am off to collapse into bed, because I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

sarah slean

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