If we were to listen to certain literary and cultural theorists...

Jan 23, 2010 17:02

We would know that all things are belated. This New Year's post especially so.

In my defence, I offer the fact that 2009 sucked royally as a consecutive twelve month arrangement. There is no more intelligent way to articulate this fact. I wanted to be sure that 2010 would appear to improve before bounding in with sunny optimism. So far, so good (but if you are reading this, please find the nearest wooden surface and rap your knuckles against it ASAP).

So far, there have been no dark clouds (except for those related to the real, physical raininess of West Coast life): I'm doing crazy amounts of yoga and dating someone amazing and fun and hilarious (who is willing to come to my crazy hot yoga and not complain about the skin-tight clothes that come with it), I rocked the last semester of school and am loving my classes this term, I've been cooking and eating fresh and delicious vegetarian/vegan food, a trip to NYC is on the near horizon... It's less cautious optimism than a desire to make this an amazing year.

I could write a lengthy, dull summary of the last year of my life, filled with lots of angst. Or I could provide you with my random, non-chronological playlist for 2009. I like to think the playlist is more entertaining. (Now with youtube links!) Some things correspond to events directly. Other songs were ones that I listened to a lot.

Burning Pile - Mother Mother
Bells for Her - Tori Amos
Jealous of Your Cigarette - Hawksley Workman
A Rush and a Push and the Land is Ours - The Smiths
Dance Anthem of the 80s - Regina Spektor
Friend of Mine - Lily Allen
Violently Happy - Björk
Bad Romance - Lady Gaga [solely on the merit of that video, I swear. I know it's terrible.]
Truce - Amanda Palmer
Day One - Sarah Slean

life or lack thereof, lack of sleep-induced rambling, music, general awesome

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