Is it Wednesday yet?

Apr 19, 2009 13:55

Because that is the day of my last exam, which means I will be freeeeeeeeeee... I should probably study before then, though. And begin job hunting, which I hate with every fibre of my being.

Handed in my fic for the snuna_exchange last night... I like it, which is a strange sensation. So many fest commitments! So little time! I need to start my lm_hgficxchange piece, now. Thankfully, it promises to be short.

Short, and very, very different from the sort of thing I usually write.

And then there is the one that I will have to write for the ronpansy_fest. I'm excited, as I will get to choose my prompt. *bounces*

And then I owe thehalflie a Veronica Mars birthday fic, harmony_bites two fics (one a Harry/Theo sequel to Zombies), and renitaleandra a fic that I promised her ages ago. And I have a Rose/Scorpius WIP to finish, and a cunning plan for something that might decide to be Snape/Hermione.

My muse is feeling a bit burnt out, so it's back to boot camp for her. Which is why I am asking you for ficlet prompts, like I did last year. My definition of 'ficlet' is flexible, but I will try to keep them shortish this time around (last year, I ended up writing a short novella). Five Ten slots (because the first five went waaaaay more quickly than I anticipated). Prompt me.

I'll write for a few different fandoms and ships-tell me what you want, and if I can't do it, I'll let you change it.

fanfic, meme, random, writing

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