You may skip it. Or read it, if you're into that Schadenfreude thing.
For the next two weeks, I must be a paragon of productivity.
23 March (also known as tomorrow) - Essay on late Victorian book design... Otherwise known as I AM NOT IN VISUAL ARTS FOR A REASON.
ASAP - Pinch hit, languishing in its almost-finished state
26 March - hand in thesis, which is mostly done, I hope
Next weekend - entertain family members who are visiting
31 March - Theory essay (quite possibly on Firefly!)
2 April - Late Victorian Lit essay on... something. Possibly comparing Dracula with something vampire-esque and recent
2 April - 16th Century Lit essay on... god knows what. Maybe Sidney?
2 April - Modernist lit essay, probably on Elizabeth Bowen's Death of the Heart
2 April, evening - stumble home and pass out
3 April - 7 April - drink, for it will be one my last chances as an undergrad
I have book reviews, but I won't let myself type them up until this essay is done.