
Feb 08, 2009 02:53

Went to see Coraline tonight with a bookshoply coworker-thought it was fabulous. Haven't read the book in ages, so it's hard to compare, but I felt that the film did a wonderful job of capturing the overall feel, which is really the important thing. Whimsical, frightening and absolutely lovely.

I wish my father were Neil Gaiman, so I could have had bedtime stories like that when I was growing up.

I think I've finally hit my stride in my thesis, which is nice. Today was my first moderately productive day in about two weeks.

Yay for staring blankly at word documents! (And yay for Reading Week being less than a week away-I get a full week of blank staring and the periodic formation of sentences!)

Have started reading Kushiel's Dart and have mixed feelings so far-lots to love, but I'm seriously getting sick of the sex. I usually skim sex scenes because I want to get onto the plot but this book is being frustrating because tiny bits of plot tend to get shoved into them, which destroys this plan. I also have a hard time reading books about courtesans and/or prostitutes (I take the Veronica Mars approach: "She's still a hooker!") because it squicks me out on the level of rape, and the bit with the hot poker made me feel ill (for some reason, I can deal with bloodplay, but burns... just... no.)...

Mostly, though, I want to skip to the intrigue and plotting, kthxbai.

(I should add that in spite of my qualms, I really do love it so far.)

life or lack thereof, school, film, books

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