Universe: Till all are one
Beta: Starfire201
Continuation: AU, G1
Genre: Adventure, drama
Characters: Bluestreak, Rook, others mentioned
Summary: Again he had to clamp down on the surging battle protocols. Nothing would be worse than to kill a mech who had done nothing but state his job in front of a good dozen of witnesses. He sighed deeply. "I
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I'm looking forward to the epilogue! *sniffs into tissues*
Childsoldiers, I've wondered about this before and yeah... I will delve deeper into this theme and universe. Motormaster is one Decepticon who defintely got the short, short stick on that matter.
Thanks. ^^ Friday is the last exam, I hope then I have more time!
I hope all went well with your exam! :)
I've noticed that the length of my reviews has more to do with time than emotional impact. ^^" And if I care about the story and/or the author.
But one's own FFs can really shift the focus to, well, the own writing and nothing else. At least with me it's like that.
I will know tonight, what the grades are.
Oho! Und? Wie ist es gelaufen?
Mmh, durchwachsen. Einige überraschend gut, und eine note deutlich schlechter als erhofft. Insgesamt okay. :)
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