I'm totally drooling over Ghibli films... again. Aaaw.
Last night I found a video record of the "Spirited Away" performance, two little kids did on the LBM.
Click to view
Yes, an Uchiha becomes a completely fangirl. Oh, oh. And yees.. I did cry... (and hiding behind your collar is nonsense. WOOHOO!) and I do it every time I see this fakkin' video. *______*""
When I shut down my laptop around 02:30 a.m. this morning I wasn't that sure about feeling tired. After scanning my DVD-collection I just HAD to watch the anime again. Aaaww >___<"
And now... oh lol an old idea for a fanfcition plopped in my head again. Hm... but I'm not sure wether I will write something about that.... I donnu if I would make it or if I would crack it up. Ah... insecuuuurrrre.
Anyway... the last days of my holidays kinda mess my cicardian rhythm even moar than it's messed by now. I sleep in the day time (okay, now I'm awake, which is cool.. hoho) and run around sleepless at night. Oh yeeees, I want university to start, need my rhythm back!
I hope you dudes are doing okay, I read all of your entries but I'm a bitch at the moment and only comment and answer rarely. Sorry T_T