Holiday-update aaaaand...

Aug 03, 2008 12:16

Yeah, at first the holiday-update :D
It's only short, cause I still missed to take any photos. Okay.. I took some but there aren't any worth showing, so.. XD

Ah the last 3 days I had two "parties" with friends. The first one was more like a meeting in Jule's garden, sitting around, talking, talking, talk ing and drinking some wine and beer. Yesterday we went to the "Sports Week" a little event in our village. Hoho. In the afternoon there're lots of sports events - basketball-/volleyball-/football-matches and stuff and in the evening: open air "disco" and well... drinking (like at every village-event).

Haaah these two dates were so awesome. I met such a lot of people that I haven't seen for months or even years! O_O~ So we chatted the whole night. It's always interesting what you get to know about people you considered to be well known, when you just start a random topic and then talk. I like such meetings and parties where you sit and discuss. Discussing is an important factor to get to know people. Hah~ I love it.

The next days will be a little more "relaxed". I will continue my work on Naminé and Rhode and also meet up again with Eric to help him with Hyakkimaru~~~ aaaawww I'm so daaamn in cosplay-mood. AWESOME!
Hohoho~ Next weekend my parents are going to spend some days at the Baltic Sea and therefore they'll leave the pets and the garden AND the house to me. Which is super duper uber cool, cause I announced my parents' house for parteeeeey on Friday and Saturday XD;
On Friday we'll do some BBQ and on Saturday - well we'll be cooking. The Master Chefs Döner and Qan will create a wonderful meal - 3 courses. The first will be Döner's wonderful Greek Salad, the second something Asian. I want to deep-fry some noodles... but the rest is still unknown xD
Oh yeah, I'm also looking forward to seeing Nii-chan again. Right now he's at a LARP-session somewhere in Germany, I forgot the name of the town/village/whatever... yo, and after that he'll be coming over. Yatta ^^v

Weeeell... that should be all for my holiday news and nooooow....
Something German :D

Ich habe mir überlegt, das Ende dieses Jahres in Mönchen-Gladbach bei einer sehr guten Freundin zu verbringen. Ich bin vom 28.12. bis zum 2.1. ungefähr da. Da ja Düsseldorf und auch Dortmund nicht weit sind, wollte ich mal anfragen bei euch Leutchen, die so aus der Gegend kommen, ob vielleicht jemand Lust hat, sich mit mir einen Tag in Düsseldorf rumzutreiben und so? Und wisst ihr vielleicht ein paar kuhle Locations, wo man den Silvesterabend verbringen könnte? Bin da nämlich noch etwas ratlos. BZW. was macht ihr Silvester?
Wäre über Meldung sehr erfreuuuut. Also los, schreibt's ma! :)

lauchhammer, myself, help, cosplay, friends

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