My dad and Darin

Jun 11, 2005 11:17

Still feeling pretty numb about all this going on with my dad I am at his house right now it is killing me seeing him like this. I really do wish that it was me that got this and not my dad. I would give anything to change places with him.

Last night I talked to my boyfriend on the phone about all this, he is such a great guy he was doing whatever he could to make me laugh and feel better. Several of you already know him and know what type of person he is. He may joke and laugh but he will try to make things better no matter what the situation is.
There are people that come across our paths in life that we don't expect to and make a difference. That person is Darin.
He came into my life so unexpectedly. I was not looking for a relationship with any one. I have a different outlook on marriage he helped to change that. He definately is someone I can see myself with as we get older. We are still getting to know one another but I am learning more ever day. I can't wait until July 20th I will be flying to see him with all my friends.
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