
Apr 13, 2010 22:26

Silarra finally meets her mentor.

It's early evening, just past dinnertime for the people of the weyr. Apparently it's the perfect dinner time for a small green dragon, though. She's still too young for real flight, but Liniath manages an awkward glide to take down one of the lame beasts in a pen off to the side for the weyrlings just as awkwardly. As Liniath digs in with enthusiasm, Silarra leans against the fence nearby arms hooked around the rails. At least the weather is good for it, not as warm as midday, but still far from chilly.

"You're Silarra, right?" comes the lifted voice of a moderately tall, lean, dark-haired man strolling towards the corrals. Perhaps a little more sharply dressed than necessary for lingering by animals pens, R'uen also wears an easy, affable expression. He has one hand leisurely tucked in his pocket and the other holds on apple, of which he's already taken a bite.

The weyrling's head pops up at the sound of her name. She turns to look over to R'uen for a moment, her expression cautious. She's likely taking in those clothes and such before she nods. "Silarra. That would be me." The shorter woman watches him for a moment longer before her eyes move back to Liniath enjoying her dinner. "Need something?"

Need something? "Just Silarra," comes R'uen's answer, his grin getting a little cheeky, knowing he's being a bit of a smartass. His long stride is quickly closing the distance between them and when he's close enough for his feet to stop, he extends a hand. "R'uen," he tells her, introducing himself. That smile is still there, broad, expecting the name will be enough explanation.

Silarra keeps one arm hooked around the fence as she turns to take that hand in greeting. "Ah. The mentor puts in an appearance at last." Her tone is quite dry, though there's a half smile on her face. "What are you supposed to mentor me about anyway?"

R'uen shakes her hand, a solid grip, a single pump, and then it goes back in his pocket. "I'm remiss," he admits with a quiet laugh. "It seemed like everytime I had a chance to seek you out, you were in a lesson of one sort or another. Doing weyrling things." He steps closer to the fence to lean against the rail as he brings the apple up for another bite. But before he sinks his teeth in, "Whatever you need, I suppose. Weyrling things. Rider things." He jerks his head toward the pens. "That must be Liniath, yeah?" His eyes turn toward the young dragon and he finally does take that mouthful of fruit with a good crisp crunch.

Silarra wraps her arm back around the fence, standing up onto the bottom rung. It'll at least make it so that she doesn't have to look up quite so far to see R'uen. "Yeah. They keep us pretty busy. Lessons and more lessons." That's said evenly as she turns to look out to Liniath clearly enjoying her fresh caught food. "That's Liniath. Who is going to be begging for a bath as soon as she's done eating." Silarra notes tone back to the dry. "Rider things. Sounds exciting."

"She's the tidy sort then," R'uen surmises, hand coming out of his pocket again as he turns to put his elbows on the rail while he watches the young dragon taking in her meal. "So what's she like?" he wonders. There's no hurry to get to discussion of exciting rider things, it would seem.

"She is. Hates to be dirty." Silarra pauses and then notes. "Well, she hates to be dirty /afterwards/. She has no problem with squishing in the mud or getting bloody. But when she'd done I'd better be willing to scrub her down." This change in subject suddenly gets a lot more words out of Silarra. "Liniath. She's, well, she's girly. Which is weird still to have in my head." For all that Silarra is clearly a girl. "Giggly, gossipy, always talking."

"Which, of course, you are. It's hard to resist when they want something. They give you that look." R'uen crunches his apple again and rolls the mouthful around as he cuts a sideways look to the person next to him who is most definitely a girl. In fact, he'll point that out. "You're a girl too, you know. Not so much the giggly, gossipy chatty sort yourself?"

"That look. Or the pouting. Ugh. Anything but the pouting in my head where I can't get away from it." For all that, the look Silarra turns out to Liniath is fond. "I may be female. Doesn't make me girly. Never have been. I don't see it changing. So no. I am definitely not at all the giggly, gossipy, chatty sort. And if I become it? Please put me out of my misery."

"Not the giggly sort. Got it," R'uen says with a nod of his head and wry grin. "I don't really figure there's much danger of that. I don't think I've become much like Zaiventh. He's his own creature. I appreciate him for what he is, but he and I aren't the same. You're probably safe. Which is good, since I'm not sure I'd be comfortable killing a mentee. Not really what I'm aiming for."

Silarra turns to give a smirk back over. "Probably a good thing. Might not make Meara too happy, either. It could end up giving you an interesting reputation though. Dangerous." Silarra notes with a rather snarkily humorous tone. "What is Zaiventh like?"

Dangerous. R'uen cocks a brow at her, lets his smile pull to the side. "Did you hear otherwise?" he wonders. "Though, well, if you aren't the sort to gossip, maybe you haven't heard anything about my reputation at all." He could answer her question about Zaiventh, but it seems that first he's going to wait and see if she has any responses of her own.

Silarra considers that for a moment. "You know, I haven't really heard anything about your reputation. Just a few comments about what sort of person it would take to live with Tiriana." Silarra states honestly. "Have I been totally oblivious to some huge reputation you've been painstakingly building?" Cue snarky tone once again as she turns to watch Liniath finish up instead of continuing to look over at R'uen.

"And what sort of person is that?" R'uen has to ask, still grinning even as he cleans the last bite off one side of his apple. He doesn't seem to mind that snarky tone Silarra seems to have. In fact, it appears he's rather amused. "Anyway, Zaiventh is a bit, well, brash is the word I guess. He's big. In everything. He calls it like he sees it. He leaps without looking. That sort of thing. And he's sleeping, at the moment." There's a quick apologetic smile on behalf of the dragon who isn't present and the bronzerider rubs the back of his neck rather sheepishly.

"Probably depends on their opinion of Tiriana. I like her. Gave me permission to punch someone once." Which apparently makes the Weyrwoman A-okay in Silarra's book. "Probably someone like crazy or easygoing or insane." That is added with an actual joking tone and a quick smile before she nods. "Sleeping is nice, sometimes. It's quiet then." Liniath's meal is finished, and the green wanders over eyeing R'uen as she flaps her wings out. "No, I don't think he's here to play with you." Silarra informs the green aloud with an amused tone.

R'uen laughs, it's an oddly bright, boyish sort of laugh. "Sounds about right. Crazy or easygoing or insane. And it's true, I don't think there's anyone out there talking about how dangerous I am. I'll let Ti be the dangerous one." He rotates the apple to start a new side and watch the green's approach, not at all nervous about the flapping wings. "It might depend on what she wants to play," Rev says aside to Silarra.

Liniath tilts her head to look at R'uen from a slightly different angle with an enthusiastic warble. "She'll play about anything. Tag. Dig in the mud. Hunt for treasure. Run in crazy little circles." So Silarra might be making up the last one, said with a teasing tone towards the green. "So she gets to be the dangerous one? Where does that leave you? What should Liniath be spreading about you?"

"I'm not really dressed for mud today. I should have," R'uen remarks with a laugh. "You weyrlings are a messy lot." He tosses another wry grin over at Silarra for teasing her. "And I don't think I have any treasures to hide." He takes another bite and then raises the nearly-finished apple, a silent 'just this for treasure'. "Hm, let's see. What should Liniath be spreading about me... I don't know. What's your impression so far?"

"I think you're supposed to help find the treasure. But that treasure might be dirt? Or shiny things." Silarra shrugs before she raises her eyebrows. "I do bathe." That very dry tone is back before she eyes R'uen consideringly. "I think you're easily amused." Liniath gives her wings another little flap moving to the other side of the fence as if she's going to join the conversation.

R'uen shakes his head, and yes, he laughs again, a low chuckle. "Very flattering," he tells the girl with a smirk and a glint of amusement in his dark eye. "I suppose it will have to do though. Of course, if you want to call me handsome or charming, I suppose I wouldn't object." That is to the green, to whom he defers with a deep bow of his head. And with a knowing look shot to Silarra, "I also suppose that it's probably bath time."

Whatever Liniath says in reply to that bit to her isn't shared. It does bring a bit of a blush to Silarra's face though and a /look/ to the dragon. "Bath time. Yeah. It was good to meet you. I should go scrub her off before the whining starts and my head begins to completely throb. Come on, Liniath." And with a wave, she'll jump down from the fence. A good couple flaps of the wings and slightly awkward glide down will get Liniath back on the right side and taking off after Silarra.


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