Bestest Friends

Mar 24, 2010 17:52

Liniath makes herself known. The hatching from impression onward from Silarra's perspective


It's just a tingling in the back of your mind, at first - surely just
another symptom of these hot, hectic sands? But then there's a thought in
your head that you didn't think, and a racing excitement that threatens an
explosion of unrestrained delight. It's matched by a faint waft of
stable-smells, as though someone has brought them up the from within the
recesses of your mind in the midst of exploration. The sands fade away in
the wake of this onslaught, as /she/, undeniably female, breaks into your
world. << Hi there, Silarra! >> she says, bubbling girlishly as she nudges
her head against your middle. << I'm Liniath, and I think we're going to
be the /bestest/ of friends. Better than best. Can we go eat? I'm
/starving/. >>


A little rest, then the Rainbow Lattice egg shakes in earnest, sides reflecting the struggle of the dragonet to work its way free. Tilting on its axis, disturbed by motion within, the egg starts to lose structural integrity, a piece of shell falling free, a precursor to a foot suddenly punching through, talons scrabbling for purchase. Does the Nothing But A Winner Egg gleam all the more as it shifts and shakes, the life within beginning the journey towards the outside world? Does it sparkle more? It certainly /seems/ to, though it moves so irregularly it could be impossible to know for certain.

Silarra looks over to the gold and winces. "Not a very pretty one, is she?" The girl comments. She opens her mouth to say something more then find a pair of blue eyes looking into her own. "Bestest friends?" There's a slight hint of doubt there before Silarra reaches out to rest her hand against the green's gooey hide where the head is nudging her. "Of course. Food. Right. That much we can definitely do." And she's willing to be led out as soon as the weyrling staff get to her.

Zarenya's clear green eyes flash one way and then the other, like a cat watching a bird fly to and fro juuuust on the other side of a pane of glass, though the bright little reflection that is the gold dragon widen her eyes, her mouth dropping open. "Uh. Um. ..Sure. Whatever you say, Vy."

Make Me A Match Blue bounds away from the ruins of his egg and promptly plants a foot in a bit of broken shell from one of his clutchmates' eggs. Huh what? Eyes down. Egg. Goo. Paw up! Shake-shake-shake! And an experimental lick for good measure then he's off again, galloping through the remaining eggs and flirting with the tip of another dragonet's tail before he moves on to explore the circle of candidates.

Inviere sighs noisily as she bears witness to Silarra's Impression. "Great," she pushes through clenched teeth. "Silarra and Gaber-- G'brion on sharding dragons. That's just... /perfect/." She jerks Saliqa's hand around in her annoyed gesticulations.

Dragon> To you, Liniath has no such doubts: none whatsoever. << BESTEST, >> she repeats, determined and laughing. So pleased - so enormously pleased.

Teris doesn't look anymore composed now that Gus is gone. She's trying, though. Trying with that lift of her chin and deep breath. The girl that was beside her isn't so much beside her anymore but the blonde doesn't seem to have noticed.

Xeoshen blinks as his hand is grabbed, and the kid on his other side decides Ivana's got a great idea, so his other hand is grabbed as well, when did he become the anchor in this? Not that he's complaining. "Right, if any come chargin' at us, I'll yank ya out of the way." He tells Ivana, and the boy, his eyes scanning the sands. "Another blue hatched, over there." He says, using one of his held hands to point. "And..." Blink. "Silarra impressed. Congrats Silarra!"

Attention to Candidates is better than attention to bits of eggshell, but Bloodletter's Bonfire Gold is probably supposed to have some interest in girls. And Impressing. Rather than chasing down a couple of crafter boys and, wings spread, rushing at them until they have to back hastily away from her. And then again. She cries sharp-edged glee. The one who didn't run is regarded with appraising eye... but nothing happens. Screeching, she launches furiously at him until he does have to duck out of the way.

With a final, triumphant roll, the Nothing But A Winner Egg shatters, marshalling onto the sands a diving green who nonetheless manages to keep her balance and end up safely on her own two... well, four feet. Her sequined wings still extended, she scans the sands, blinking at a patch of candidates to clear her eyes before taking another step. Onward!

Meara approaches Silarra staunchly, coming to a halt right by the girl and her green. "Food, then? Come on-- right this way, and we'll have something for you in a minute."

Saliqa generally lets her hand get maneuvered, though she makes some firm effort to get fingers to their sides. "Come on, come on," she urges, some sort of encouraging that she isn't going to explain amidst whatever of her own emotional reactions. And the dropping of her jaw at the gold's behavior. "I..." Accusing to Inviere, "Oh, so they don't /look dangerous/, eh?"

A shuddering thump sends the Nothing But A Winner Egg into a more active, sparkling dance, as pieces of shell begin to break free and scatter to the ground like a shower of somewhat sticky glitter. For now, the shell retains integrity, but it can't be too much longer-- the hatchling within is clearly increasingly eager for freedom. The Second Biggest Ever Egg twitches where it sits, patient as the day is long. This egg offers no insult, no insight; no mentions of nose-picking or diaper-wearing. It offers a single ripple, nearly dreamy, as if the occupant daydreams within.

Silarra sighs at the green. "Alright, Liniath. Bestest of friends." She's not so out of it that she doesn't stick her tongue out at Inviere on the way past though, leading the green on after Meara towards the food.

Bloodletter's Bonfire Gold tires of teasing the boys, though she still spends a radically long amount of time staring longingly at a tall, dark-haired boy from Crom. Heart attack given to the weyrleaders, she now impatiently paces the line of girls until flinging herself at her chosen person, wrapping herself around a local blonde. Yes, yes, all the terrorizing is all well and good; but now, there's her treasure.
Bloodletter's Bonfire Gold is now listening.

Such a flurry of action eventuates from the Improbably Green Egg, Cold Approach Egg and Unstable Tower Egg that it's all but impossible to determine which dragon comes from which. The trio - brown, blue and green - even head in the same direction, choosing their lifemates from a cluster of candidates standing close together. They're all helped off together, excitement visible all round. The Second Biggest Ever Egg offers a slight stirring, but still nothing big; it rather enjoys where it's at. It's soft here, and safe! Iovniath is only a step or two away, after all.

Warucori asks those around her, "I wonder what they feel like....all slippery and wet. Sticky?" She gapes at what Inviere says and whips her hand back and forth until she spots Silarra, "Oh..." her smile is slow, but still warm, "congratulations to them." Lifting a foot she shakes sand from the sandal.

Weyrling Barracks, High Reaches Weyr(#395RAs)
Tucked off the back of the training room, the barracks are a huge, high cavern that stretches far back into the stone of the Weyr. Both of the longer walls are lined with couches for the dragons, enough for a couple of Pass-sized clutches at once, each matched with a cot and press for the weyrling dragonrider. In this day and age, however, the couches in the back have been allowed to grow dusty with long disuse. Hearths are spaced between every few couches to heat the big room.
For decoration, there are a number of tapestries on the walls, looking almost as beat-up as the couches out in the training room, but scattered flower pots with their bright blooming contents provide a cheery touch. Additionally, some of the couches have had graffiti scratched into them over the Turns that were never quite cleaned off: smears of chalk messages or even rough pictures, some not fit for young eyes. In many cases names and dates have been painstakingly carved into the rock, a record of those that once made their home here.
Obvious exits:
Training Cavern

Akuath continues to chew and then swallows. Hungry. Yeah he's gonna need more so he takes the next piece, chews a bunch, swallows, and the next. Rinse, lather, repeat, though he seems to actually really /enjoy/ the whole process and leaaaans into Shad. /His/ dude.

Szadath has enthusiasm in spades for this meat thing. Oh, yes. He eats and he chews and he's getting damned good at it. If he could say so himself. And, finally loud enough for other weyrlings to hear, he does. << This isn't so hard. Getting the knack for this chewing. You're sure they're all sorted, Taikrin? Got it. Meat. You, >> suddenly to Teivoth, << are not beautiful. Meat is beautiful, though. >>

Akuath lifts his head, catching wind of Szadath's remark and considers Teivoth for a moment. << I dunno, man. Seems like we're all beautiful somehow, don't we? >> All infused with the subtle tang of the sea and ... well ... meat. Yum.

"Oh, you'll be my beautiful all night long?" Gustav repeats and lets the meat come very close to his maw. Once. Twice. Well. They are mentally linked. Teivoth's rumbling stomach is probably getting to him too. "As long as you /promise/. You leave me hanging, no word for the wisers... I don't know..." He sing-songs before bringing it within his dragon's reach and letting go. "Chew." Firm on that.

Silarra steps in with her hand on Liniath's hide. "Oh, it looks like there's food over there. We should head that way and get your rumbling belly filled, right?" The short girl moves up on the balls of her toes to try to see exactly what is going on.

Taikrin rocks back on her heels, eyeing Teivoth and his new lifemate with a charitable grin. "Beautiful, he ain't," she echoes. "Bet Gustav might think so, though." Her gaze returns to Szadath, then, and she traces headknobs wonderingly. "Reckon y'all're pretty amazing."

Teivoth narrows eyes to near slits, and deliberately steps one of his gooey, big paws on top of G'stav's. << Hurry. Up. >> The last 'up' is concurrent with his snarfing of the meat, nearly as quick as he can - and there is no chewing, C'sel. Though he is very apologetic about it. Not. << Meat, beautiful? That sounds ... fruity to me, man. >>

Another weyrling comes in and C'sel's re-armed to step forward to extend the bowl towards Silarra. "Congratulations, weyrling. Here's to feed her with. Please make sure she chews each bite. One at a time is advised," the brownrider intones evenly.

Liniath nuzzles her head up towards Silarra, though her eyes have started whirling pretty rapidly all over again. C'sel's arrival makes her tail go thump in delight: << Foooooood? Is that food? Oh, it is! >> And... she /giggles/? Mentally. If that's what you can call it.

Shad glances up when he catches new movement. "Hmm? Oh, hey Gu ... wait, what're you eliding your name to?" And then Silarra arrives. "Congrats, you two."

"Ow, fucking ow! Are you serious? You're like way big. Okay?" G'stav curses as he backs away from the blue and comically shakes his foot out. Still with his bowl of meat. "I said, chew! I was serious. Come on. You're going to get my ass kicked." He looks around for C'sel, then settles narrowed eyes onto the blue. "You get this when you can promise me you're going to actually eat it like a normal dragon. Not like some sort of sucking, trying to choke machine!"

Silarra takes the bowl with a bit of a wince for the giggling happening inside of her head. "Yes. It's food. And you are going to chew it up really good. It'll taste all nice and bloody that way." Silarra states giving Shad a smile. "Thanks! I think." A piece is scooped out of the bowl and offered over to the green. "Chew."

C'sel waits a moment, then nods as Silarra gets things going with her green then looks up, maybe catching the drift from G'stav, maybe Corvinth is 'spying' though and letting him in on things and it's the brown who slides a suggestion to Teivoth. << Hey there. Y'know, if you don't chew? This is what it looks like on the floor later. >> *Image of poop everywhere* Yeah thanks Corvinth, so helpful!

Teivoth plops his butt down, stares at G'stav with this dark, dark expression that's quite comical. << I am not going to eat another bite until you apologize. >> Very aware of the eyes upon him - because surely there are eyes upon him! - the blue's stomach growls. Loudly. And is that a gleam of amusement whirling in red-touched blue eyes?

Liniath doesn't seem too sure about this whole bloody thing, and gives Silarra a glance that could only be described as wary. But... She's obviously hungry, so she opens her mouth, reaching for the food in question. << I'm just sooooooo hungry! >>
Iskiveth has arrived.

<< It is so food! >> Szadath calls over to Liniath as she arrives, but he shrinks away from that giggling. Female dragons, evidently not the same sort of female as Taikrin. Check. << It's meat. Not fruit. >> He may not come off as quite the sharpest tool in the shed just there, but he's too entranced with this whole eating business. He pushes his head up into his rider's touch, almost too hard. << *Amazing*. Yes. I'm amazing. >>

C'sel continues to keep an eye on Silarra and Liniath and in fact clears his throat quietly to ask: "What's her name?" but then his gaze lifts at the flicker of gold hide and his gaze fixes there for a moment, flicks to Teris, stays /there/ longer, then skips back to the greenpair near him. "That's it, just one at a time," he encourages mildly.

"You're not going to eat another bite until /I/ apologize? Are you serious? No, no. You won't eat until /you/ apologize to /me/ for stepping on me. I might look handsome, tough and strong. But my feet? They're composed of tiny little breakable bones? Okay? Do you understand?" G'stav pulls another piece of meat out. He holds it over Teivoth's head. "It's all up to you. Apologize. Wait until the end of time hungry." It's too bad Gus doesn't have special gleamy eyes that are color-coded!

More and more weyrlings arriving now, and Aleis has a bowl ready for Teris and Iskiveth as they arrive. "She'll need something to eat. Just come over here, find a spot... getting a bit crowded now, isn't it?" That comment not to anybody in particular. "Give this to her piece by piece, make sure she's chewed and swallowed each one before you go to the next."

Silarra looks over to C'sel for a moment. "Liniath. She's, uh, Liniath." The teen doesn't seem to know quite what else to say about the dragon, dropping that bit of meat in the dragon's mouth. "Chew. Don't choke. And you're a dragon. You eat bloody things. That's how it works."

Tail lashes back and forth, but still no movement from Teivoth. << If you really think you look tough and strong, I think we need to buy you a new mirror. >> Also, to Corvinth: << He's abusing me. >> Withholding food from a baby! That is, until he absolutely LEAPS, snapping for the meat with quick jaws regardless of if he gets fingers or not. It's all G'stav's fault, after all.
Zaxameth has arrived.

Dragon> To you, Liniath eyes Silarra again. << They're /messy/. You'll clean me afterwards? They DO taste pretty good. >> Enough so that she can tip her head up to find Szadath. She seems relieved: it is food, then, it is! << Okay! More, then, please. More! >>

"Ahhh!!!" That's all anyone will likely here before G'stav lands on the floor of the barracks. With Teivoth leaping at him he's stepped back too quickly and has fallen backwards, sprawling on the floor. Still. That bowl of meat is in his hands and he's holding it desperately over his head. It may or may not be within the blue's greedy reach. "He's trying to kill me!"

Zaxameth stays all wrapped up in Warucori for as long as Meara lets them, then responds to the girl's urging and moves along with her, tail curled affectionately around her waist. /His/ girl!

Teris? Iskiveth has a Teris? Okay, she hasn't forgotten Teris, but this pointy little queen is definitely not so patient as to just wait until someone escorts her off for her food. She barrels on ahead. << I want to kill something! >> she shares triumphantly with the other weyrling dragons. That's a happy introduction, isn't it? As soon as Teris catches up: << Can it be him? >> Forget food, she's already found a sprawled-out G'stav, and looms over him with excitedly whirling eyes.

"Does she ... have a problem with the blood?" C'sel asks slowly, carefully and absently draws a rag from his belt to wipe his hands with. Then blinks as G'stav goes a-tumbling down. << Really think so? >> Corvinth asks Teivoth, amused and nudges an idea towards the young blue. << Chill out a little ... annnnd you'll get more /sooner/. >> Instigator.

Warucori walks in a silly bent-over manner, hair falling over the side of her face, sticking to the egg-goo she got there thanks to face-rubbing up against Zaxameth. She doesn't mind the tail and tries to keep both hands on the young blue, "You are /so/ handsome. Look at you. I am sorry I didn't see you sooner. You are really amazing." A quick look around, lost as to what to do now.

Akuath continues to eat steadily until he's licking the bowl clean, no problems with chewing with him at least, but then he starts to go exploring around the barracks, even if it's at an unhurried pace, poking his nose into everything. << Shaaad, mini-man. COme check this out, brah. >>

Teivoth has his meat, he doesn't necessarily care about G'stav sprawled out on the ground. If anything, he looks smug. And may or not be mentally cracking up at the sight. << No, you can't kill him, >> he projects at Iskiveth, with a shooing-bee-buzz. << Well, maybe after I eat. You gonna get up, or stay there all night? Not that this isn't hilarious, >> he directs to his own rider, plunking back down with an absurdly pleased expression about his bearded face.

Shad winces as Teivoth bowls Gustav over, and pets Akuath. "I am /so/ glad you're not doing that." He comments. Because seriously. And then there are more arrivals, including the gold, and Shad waves to everyone before continuing to feed Akuath.

Right. They're here now. Teris is still dazed and her steps just a bit off as she hurries after the dragon. She looks at Aleis and manages to at least nod her head and flicker a smile that borders a little closely to weak at the moment. With Iskiveth asking after Gus, Teris actually hesitates before she says, "No." She's going to be saying that a lot, isn't she? "You wouldn't like the way that he tastes, I promise. Here." Teris is taking some meat out of the bolw that's for them and waving it around as she moves toward her to catch Iskiveth's attention. "Here!"

"Just with it being messy, I think. She wants me to wash her afterwards." Silarra feeds the pieces one at a time to the hungry green. G'stav's tumble gets a quick look and a smirk before she's back to Liniath. "See? They do taste good. Told you you'd like the blood."

Balyeroth doesn't rush, necessarily, but his quest of following X'en certainly is one of more hurry than most knights would show. Chivalry frays around the edges, as hunger catches up. << Begging your pardon, >> so gracious to his lifemate, his beloved, << But I am quite startlingly hungry now. >>

Shad winces as Teivoth bowls Gustav over, and pets Akuath. "I am /so/ glad you're not doing that." He comments. Because seriously. And then there are more arrivals, including the gold, and Shad waves to everyone before chasing after Akuath. "Hey, no eating anything." he says, wanting to make sure Akuath didn't grab something /not/ food. "What'd you find?" Probably a table or something, but it's not like Akuath's ever seen anything like it before.

Oh. My. God. Is that another bloodthirsty dragon hovering over him? "Fuck!" He sounds more alarmed this time. It's one thing to accuse your own dragon of trying to kill you. It's an entirely different ballgame when it's a much larger gold dragon. That isn't yours. "Are you serious? Guess what. I'm not going to clean after you when you're sick later." Wait a minute, was that Teris' voice. "Did you hesitate? Did you really hesitate?"

Ivana walks in, her hand caressingly on a green's headridges, her face anxious and blissful and worried all at once. Someone brings over a bowl, and with a smile of relief Ivana begins to give her dragonet pieces, one at a time.. very quickly.

Zaxameth leans closer to Warucori, letting out a very pleased croon. His girl! But then he's eyeballing the relative shenanigans in the barracks. << Why're we talking about killing already? >> Curious but then his stomach growls audibly. << Cori, doll? Can you get me some of that /delicious/ smelling stuff? >>

It's a hike over here, but between Leova and J'vain and their three arms, they collect the laggards, the strays, the dragonets who think they want to eat rocks because they're just that hungry. Which doesn't bode well for the clutch.

"A bath is recommended, along with oil once she's no longer hungry," C'sel informs Silarra in a matter-of-fact manner. "Please carry on," he tells her gently.

X'en stumbles into the barracks with his blue, he'll keep a hand on him for now, this could just be some weird dream after all. "Food, right, right." He says to the blue, fortunately, there's some to give him a bowl of meat, and he starts feeding the dragonette, as gracious as he is.

Liniath decides, finally, after the third or fourth mouthful, << Okay, I do like this stuff. But you will clean me, right? You WILL? >> Her laughter is nonetheless bright: so happy! << Gosh, this is exciting. The egg was really boring, you know, but now, I have /you/. >> She doesn't seem to have much concept of the fact that all the other dragons in here can hear her, too.

Very quickly? Kynith goes for the meat, until... until there's a pileup in her mouth, and she starts making coughing noises. Even her wings and tail-tips quiver. "Slowly," Leova encourages. "Slowly. Feel along her jaw, the muscles there? Might help her stay aware. You're... what /is/ your name?" she asks Ivana. If the redhead remembers it.

Meara trails in at the end of everyone, one hand on her hip, the other loose at her side. She surveys the group of twenty, and finally shakes her head, quietly. "/Well/."

Warucori shakes her head, lifting her attention away from Zaxameth at his question and peers around, "Why /are/ we talking about killing?" She asks, wary, "And why is Gus...ah....G'stav on the ground and on his back?" She lifts a hand and waves, " There it is." She follows the earlier weyrlings lead and gets meat, shuddering at the mess. "Soooo gross..."

<< Because I want to kill things! >> Iskiveth declares to Zaxameth, because that's so much more relevant than replying to her erstwhile prey's dragon. << She said it was all dead. But he's not dead. >> Waving meat, however, seems to be enough to distract her attention away from G'stav, back to Teris. << Will this taste better? Are you sure? Have you tasted him? >> She snaps the meat out of her rider's hand, at least manages to chew pretty well for it being her first time. << Okay. This is good for now. But later, I want to go hunt something. Treasure. >>

Balyeroth has nothing but gracious gratitude for his X'en, chewing most properly, complete with occaisional anxious looks towards the nearest assistant weyrlingmaster to make sure he's doing it within the correct parameters. << This must be the most delightful thing I've ever had in my entire life! >> is embellished to X'en; nevernomind that he's only been around for a matter of minutes.

Teivoth seems unconcerned. << I'm not getting sick later. And you shouldn't talk to the goldrider like that, 'less you want to be in trou~ble, >> sing-song there at the end, more smug mirth for the eventual reaction of *that* comment than anything else. Then Teiv is nosing at G'stav's feet impatiently. << Seriously. I'm hungry here. Give over the meat or I'll eat your feet instead. >>

Akuath has been investigating the curve of a couch and looks up as Iskiveth ... carries on. << Spiky. Yo, it's all good. No need for any killing going on here. >> But then hey, he's got a couch to sniff. Which is apparently very interesting.

"You're going to be sick beyond comprehension later." G'stav informs his blue as he pulls himself off the ground and dusts his robe off. "Is this /blood/?" He asks and looks at one of his sleeves, utterly disgusted. "I'm not going to get in trouble!" He tells him also, a scowl setting in. He pulls the bowl back to himself and begins doling the pieces out one at a time again. "You'll behave or else." Damnit.

"You like that one, Akuath?" Shad asks. "These are where you guys sleep." He points to the bed alongside. "And that's where we sleep."

"Ah, uh, Ivana," is the redhead's reply, as she abruptly ceases shoveling meat to encourage her dragon to chew. "Ah'm sorry, Kynith, love.." she says, stricken, and does feel along her.. her! dragon's jaw. "Careful now, ah promise it'll be all right." Ivana looks up finally into Leova's face. "Y'r Leova, right? Thanks, ah felt it when she coughed! We'll slow down." Very intent on her dragon, a silly smile appears on the new weyrling's face.

Zaxameth leans against Cori some more and eyes Iskiveth a little suspiciously but lets the matter drop for now. Because. Meat! And he pushes his muzzle forward, eager for that first bite. << Cori! That smells so good and oooh I bet the taste is just .fantastic. >>

X'en is looking at the Assistants too, to make sure he's doing it right. The blue was already chewing though, intereswting how this was working. He blinks, and chuckles at Balyeroth. "How would you know? This is the first meal ya ever had." He says, with a smirk.

Silarra eyes the green, trying not to wince for the bright laughter. "Very exciting. Yes. Definitely that." More meat is offered a piece at a time. "Yeah. You need all that goo off of you, anyway. So we can do both at the same time. That work for you?

Goo. Liniath tilts her head around to get a better look at her hide, and a definite shudder ripples through her. << Goo is bad, >> she tells Silarra, firmly. << Food is good and important and I want /more/, but we have /got/ to get my hide clean after that. >> Her head nuzzles in to Silarra. << I know you'll do that for me, though. I /know/ you will. >>

Twenty weyrlings doesn't sound like so much until you realize twenty pairs is twenty dragons and twenty people. Aleis has busied herself carrying along food to those who need more, helping here and there with a few who are having a little mor etrouble with the notion of chewing. "Once they get full, they're going to want to sleep. Please help them into a couch *before* they fall asleep. Even at this size, after is not as easy as it might look," she starts explaining after the eating has been on for awhile. "Your pick where, just remember that you're stuck with your choice unless somebody'll trade later."

Balyeroth seems to slow down after the first four or five pieces, more savoring than inhaling as some of his more ... barbaric siblings. His darting gaze takes in Iskiveth and he brightens briefly: << Treasures? Are we questing, my lady? >> The set of his eyes takes on dreaminess once more, and he half-wobbles, stiffly, before righting himself. << Oh. Well, I suppose you're right there, of course, my good man. But as the first meal of my life, I can only hope all others are this magnificent! >> is directed to his lifemate, gallant mental flags flapping in invisible wind.

Warucori shakes her head, "I hope /you/ like it." SHe's not about to say what she thinks--then again, sharing head-space is going to make it difficult to hide her own disgust. "Messy. You have teeth so you got to use it." One hand has the meat, one hand is busy exploring the blue hide, picking off bits of shell and larger clumps of sand.

Akuath looks up at H'dur and gives that couch another pass of his muzzle, then moves on. << Need to check the rest out, brah. Not tired yet. Want to find the one that's just right. >>

Teris looks at G'stav like she doesn't entirely understand what it is that he was saying just a moment ago. She has more important things to take care of. Like this feeding the ravening beast. Or something. "I'm sure," she says whether it's the truth or not, supplying another piece of meat for the dragonet. "Treasure?" she asks, then shakes her head. Never mind that for now. "Yes, later. After you eat." And sleep, hopefully.

"Ivana. Right. Leova." The greenrider's briefly distant, though it doesn't last, and she starts shrugging off her coat now that they're actually inside. "Thanks. Listen," and she points over her shoulder. "When you're ready. Snag couches, those low pits in the stone? Those." She's gotten so she's looking at Kynith again, but then she waves at X'en and his blue: "You two friends? Could find spots together."

Silarra pauses to rub at the dragon's head affectionately at the nuzzle she recieves before she's grabbing for more meat to put in that mouth. "Yeah, I feel you. I need something clean too, just as soon as you're fed and cleaned and oiled and asleep." She ticks off the list looking down to the bowl and the amount of meat left. "Are you still hungry?"

Mass chaos! But through it all, C'sel continues to hand out a bowl here, fill one back up there, nods at Silarra, points out where the oil is, all as if it's just ... a day's work and slips over towards G'stav and Teivoth, stands there, without saying anything for a moment or two, arms folded across chest. It's possible he's eyeing that continued gulping and taking the measure of the weyrling's efforts at discipline.

Shad grins at Akuath. "All right. Don't take too long, though." He might have an easier time hauling Akuath thanks to being fairly strong, but that doesn't mean he particularly WANTS to d oit.

Liniath has to think about this for a moment... and then, << One more mouthful, >> she decides, firmly. << I /am/ tired. How did you know I would be? You do seem to know a lot, Silarra. >> Her Silarra. So special! << And /then/, we'll get clean. >>

Akuath continues to explore couches and shoots a look over his shoulder. << What's up with Giggles over there? >> he ponders curiously about Liniath. << I mean, a bath does sound like a niiice thing. Water's cool man. >> Pause. << Isn't it? >> And he picks through a memory or two of Shad's infusing them with the cool aquamarines and the wash of the ocean.

X'en chuckles. "I'm sure they'll probably get better from here." He grins at the blue, and then blinks at Teris. "Treasure? What trasure?" He asks her, and looks around. He looks back to Balyeroth, and keeps feeding him till the bowl is empty. "Ah, ya still hgungry?" He asks him, and looks around, just incase he needs to get a refill.

Iskiveth is ravening! And ravenous! And more than willing to eat whatever food is offered to her. She's hungry the way only the skinny can be hungry. << After. Yes. Don't think you're going to put me off of it. I want treasure. Shiny, shiny... >> After swallowing once, there's a big wide yawn. << Oh, my. We'll have lots of treasure. After I eat. >>

Silarra nods to Liniath and offers one last piece of meat. "I know everything. Don't forget that." She tells the green dryly. "Clean, right." That's apparently one thing the pair agree on right now. Silarra looks around turning to eye C'sel. "Uh, is there a way I can wash her first? A wet rag or something even?"

"A bath is a very good thing." Shad agrees. "Especially when you've got blood on your chin and neck." As for what's up with 'giggles', Shad's not willing to venture a guess.

Ivana picks up the bowl of meat, continuing to feed her dragon slowly as Kynith begins to fill up. In protest at having the bowl get even *that* far away, Kynith *BLATTS* at her rider, who startles, then laughs. "Ah'm not takin' th'food away, love." Kynith flaps her wings to make a meat scented breeze. "Ah just want t'get y'into one o'these comfy wallows. Won't y'like that?" she asks. Bright brown eyes glance in X'en's direction. "If you an' y'r blue'd like it, there's two wallows over there," she shyly suggests, as she pops another piece of meat into Kynith's open mouth.

Zaxameth continues to munch on food as Warucori offers it and his mind fills with the sweet, sweet taste of meat and /shares/ it with anyone within range. Ohhhh soooo gooood! << It is. Oh it is. MOre, please. More. >>

Akuath gets up into the next couch, turns around in it a couple of times, curls up, stands again, turns around one more time, then curls up. Yes. << H'duuuuur. Mini-man. Got it. This is it. And uhhh, no worries, man, but I itch. >> He itches. Like sea salt drying on skin. He /itches/.

Warucori chokes a little and tries to withhold the food after a few 'shares' of the meat-flavor. "That is not.../not/ good." She screws her face up and tries very hard to think of cup-cakes and candies, pies and cookies. "Please, more chewing, less....thinking?" She can't not give the dragon his food though and another strip is offered out.

"I don't know," Teris admits in X'en's general direction, only hearing the word treasure really and not paying much mind to who the voice is coming from. "Of course. After." Right now she's willing to say just about anything to keep the gold eating and following through on that yawning. She glances around briefly toward what other people are doing to make sure she's, you know, doing it.

Balyeroth looks a little... bloated. Stomach distended in only the way of the satiated young dragon, he seems more than content to start stiff movements towards the couches. << I think I am quite full, thank you, X'en. That was... that was /marvelous/. We'll have to go treasurehunting with Iskiveth! But... maybe we could nap first. >> So he can *really* dream! He's pulled up sharp, suddenly, canting his head upwards at X'en anxiously. << Or we could stay out here, and converse with the ladies and our fellow gentlemen, if you would rather be inclined to that! >>

Leova stays just long enough to see her nearest charges starting to settle, and then she's striding for Meara to hail her, to say, "Going to check on the brown in the infirmary, see what else I can do. Will report back."

"Yes, there are rags and buckets of water and oil as well," C'sel takes a few steps back towards Silarra and takes down a folded rag and gestures towards the buckets. "I'll get you a bit of oil for her for after. She will probably itch," he says in his mild, steady way.

Meara says, "Appreciated," says Meara to Leova, from her own spot where she's helping one of the greenriders with a very first oiling. "Let us know.""

"Right. Bathtime then. Bathtime and oil. That'll make the itching stop." He breathes a sigh of relief when C'sel indicates the buckets and rags, and heads over. "Hang on for two shakes." Then, to C'sel. "Akuath's already itchy."

Warucori gives Zaxameth a scratch between the eyes, "I don't like it..." she admits a touch sheepishly, "but it is good for you." And besides, she doesn't hear anyone else whinning about it, so she'd better get used to it. A quick look around at the others, noting the dragons already moving onto the bathing part.

X'en looks to Ivana, and nods. "Aye, think we'll need one of them, thanks." He tells her, and then looks back to the blue, with a nod, setting the bowl aside, or giving it to whowevers taking them. "Treasure hunting? Conversing? Maybe treasure hunting with Iskiveth later, we oughtta get ya clean first, and oil ya first, guess we could converse durin' that."

Zaxameth reaches up with his teeth to neatly snag that piece of meat from Warucori and flexes his talons against the floor. << This feels ... smooth and rough and cool all at the same time. >> More sharing. << I like the cool part. >> And he nudges his head forward towards Cori's chest affectionately. << And you don't? Like the meat? But ... >> he tries to make sense of that for a second or two and then curls all the closer to Warucori. << You'll get used to it! >> Certainty.

Iskiveth barely notices Balyeroth. Well, maybe a little. << My treasure! Maybe I don't want to share! >> Huff. Then it's back to the food. She manages a few more bites, barely enough chewing, another giant yawn. << Maybe we can find treasure later. And hunt. And kill. And-- >> A thought occurs to her. << Battle! >> Where did she get that word from? Faranth knows. << Maybe we should have a couch now. The very best couch. So I have a place to put my treasure. >>

Warucori wraps her arms around Zaxameth now, between feeding him bites and oooohhs at the sensation the dragon is sharing with her, exploring it a little with a small swaying back and forth, " little one. I don't like it much....but it is good for you." SHe bites at her lower lip, "I eat meat after it is cooked. Seasoned. Fried up or grilled. Mmmm."

Silarra gives C'sel a smile. "Thank you." She states, setting the bowl aside to lead the green over. "Alright. Bath next." And as soon as the wet cloth touches the green, she lets out a joyful croon. << Oh! I like that. It feels so good. You can do that a lot. Right? Right? >> Her tone is highly enthusiatic, send out to all the dragons even as she talks just to her rider.

Balyeroth is of course not affronted by Iskiveth's response to his comment. As a matter of fact, he's hasty to say, << I was merely adding my voice of assistance in your quest of finding treasure, m'lady, >> to the young gold, shoving his headknobs up underneath X'en's hand in a very unknightly manner. << Cleaning. Oh yes, >> and he seems nearly appalled at himself for having forgotten such a crucial step. << But then, of course, we can sleep? >> Creeping hopeful, his tone.

C'sel sets those things down by Silarra and nods once, just a faint smile for the weyrling, then he looks over and brings H'dur and Akuath an oil b ucket. "Apply it liberally, then wipe off the excess," the brownrider explains.

Off in a corner, G'brion has been wrapped up in Pterath and nothing but Pterath, and the feeding and oiling has proceeded reasonably well. Now, though, he feels another urge all his own, but as he climbs to his feet and tries to walk away, Pterath lets out what can only be termed a shriek of epic proportions. He spins around, turns back around, takes a few steps, and nearly falls over when she scrabbles over and leans against his legs. "Yeesh, come on, I have to /go/," he insists. "Just for a minute."

Zaxameth reaaaches for that next piece of meat Cori's got on offer and while he's chewing, he takes in what she shares. << /Grilled/. /Seasoned. >> He echoes these and mirrors them back ... amplified. << Ohhhhhhh. That seems /tasty/. We'll have to try it that way sometime!. Just ... not this second. Oh oh oh! Cori! What's that feeling!!??? >> The itching. It has begun. Intense, almost a burning sensation between the shoulder blades. His? Yours?

Teris can't really help it as she watches Iskiveth start tiring. She smiles. It's a genuine one, too, the sort that doesn't grace her features nearly often enough. "The best, of course." She looks up and tries to look around, blinking perhaps more than is really necessary. "What about that one over there?" Since it's close, mostly. She probably doesn't think one's all that very different from being better over the others.

Silarra turns at the shriek with a wince and then calls over. "Better just take her to go piss with you, Gabe." There's a smirk for her cousin before Silarra is back to dipping the rag in the water to rinse off the goo and blood before she continues, obviously intent on getting the green good and clean. << OOh. That's a great spot. Yes. You can do this every day. Every day! >> There's a bright mental giggle projected loudly to all the dragons in the area before Liniath twitches her tail against the floor. << OOOH! Now I itch. But at least I'm all clean. But I should be clean and not itchy! >> The green rambles turning her head back to look at her hide.

Warucori hisses at the sensation down her back, "It''s nothing. Just an itch." She reaches behind herself, trying to scratch the place. She can't quite reach it though. "Not to worry." She assures Zaxameth in a pleasing tone. "And we will have time for you to taste the other food-tastes later." More akward fumbling to get her itchy spot, "shard it all."

Kynith startles at Pterath's shriek and *BLATTS* again, only quieted by another offering of another meat chunk. Whirling reddish eyes are shading toward purple as she looks up at her rider, who is beginning the cleaning process. The first touch of water and Kynith's eyes are happy blue, blue blue. "Ah'm glad," Ivana says. "It does feel nice.. ah can feel it too!" she says, amazed.

Shad finally has a chance to notice who all's in the barracks. And the shrieking dragonet. Hoo boy. Again, he gives thanks that he got the mellow dragonet. No bloodthirsty tendencies, not freakish flailings. THANK YOU. Akuath is, clearly, the best dragonet in the clutch. Clearly. He starts washing the blue down. "This is so /incredible/." He mutters. Akuath looked eminently pleased as the water soothed his skin. <>

Zaxameth starts to ... wriggle in place, maybe trying to roll over. Heck. He does roll over. Almost dog-like, trying to get at that spot betwen his shoulders. << Cori ... help? >>

Iskiveth << This one doesn't look as good as that one. >> Iskiveth might itch, but one wouldn't know it to look at her. Food now forgotten, she's found a completely different couch from the one Teris had originally indicated. This one has a great amount of graffiti all over it. << This one is decorated! It's a good place for treasure. >> The graffiti has interesting things to say on the subject of certain rules the weyrlings are expected to live by. Iskiveth clearly can't read. << Teris! This one! >>

C'sel eyes Zaxameth and Warucori next and well, he's going to be doing a lot of trudging around with buckets for the next little while. "He'll need oil for that," he tells the weyrling. "But he shouldn't rub like that on the floor. Get him up and let's get him oiled before he bruises his hide." Straightforward.

"She won't /fit/ in the stall," Gabe points out sharply to Silarra, snappish in his desperation to pee. "Dammit Pterath, I swear..." The green just yawps at him again, not backing down even a little bit. Gabe looks around the room, and then points at an empty bucket that once contained meat. "Are you done with that?" he asks Silarra.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Warucori would laugh outright at the behavior of her new lifemate if the itching were not so bad. Her hands move to the itchy spot, fingernails scratching up through the blue hide and then over the Spot. "OH!!" As the light clicks on in her brain, helped right after by C'sel's voice, "I didn't understand....I thought it was...." it doesn't matter though. She takes the bucket with gratitude and tries to stop the dragon from hurting himself. "Easy....careful."

X'en winces at the shriek, and looks toward where Gabe is. "Ah, maybe ya oughtta take her with ya." He says. << Excuse me, my dear X'en, but I am getting a triffle itchy, can we go resolve this, please? >> Even in itching he's polite. X'en nods. "Definitely, come on." He says, guiding the blue over to where the water for cleaning is, and washes off the goo, before he takes a bucket of oil, and starts to oil him. << I itch everywhere, yes yes, you got a spot, good. >>

G'brion grabs the bucket and makes off with it to a corner, with Pterath so underfoot she's lucky she doesn't get stepped on, and together, they take care of business.

Silarra nudges the bocket over towards Gabe. "Just don't leave that at /my/ couch once you're finished." She tells her cousin teasingly, though there's distraction in it as she reaches back to itch her shoulder. "Um, itch. Oil is for itches. We should do that next." And if Liniath was a cat, she would be purring immediately as the first bit of oil touches her hide. << Ooooooh. This is even better than the water. >> The green reaches out to nudge at Silarra affectionately. << I will have you do this often. All the time. >>

Zaxameth looks up at C'sel with brief confusion, then rolls up at Cori's encouragement, turns so she can slather oil on him. And counter to that shriek, his sending is uh -- very obvious and pleasure-laced. << Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... >> His eyelids droop almost instantly as the oil makes its way onto hide and a bright kaledoscope of colors breaks into pieces, re-shapes around rosy reds and pretty pinks, laced with hearts. So. Good.

C'sel gets a few more weyrlings settled, then quietly sets to cleaning up a bit where possible: turned over buckets, spilled oil, discarded rags, stray bits of meat. When there's a modicum of order re-established here and there, he slips out for a little while after a quiet word with Meara to go clean up and get some fresh air, before returning for a shift on duty sometime later.

"No," Teris says. But it's not with much conviction, weighing the desire to fight this decision over wanting Iskiveth to get herself settled. She looks at the couch, around as though she expects some sort of help, then finally, "Okay, fine. But only for now." She's left unsure what to do for a moment but then she's pointed toward the tools necessary for cleaning her new lifemate up a bit and oiling. She grabs those, then heads back to join the gold.

Ivana finishes cleaning Kynith with a triumphant swipe of a cloth. "Well, we can do more water later, but now we should oil ya, so y'don't itch," Ivana says, beckoning to Kynith to come with her to her chosen wallow. <> Kynith announces for the first time to the barracks. <> She opens up sea green wings and waddles her way to her chosen wallow.

The gold has a bit of trouble climbing into her brand new couch, but not too much. << This couch. I want this couch. It's mine. And you're mine. >> Oiling? Iskiveth regards all those trapping skeptically. << Are you going to make me shiny? >> Another big, wide-mouthed yawn. << You can do that. And I am going to sleep. In my couch. Mine. >> Just in case there was any question about her claim so far. She lays her head right down by a place where someone has gouged what looks like a number eight with two parallel lines coming off of one side--oh. And out. Like a light.

Silarra smirks after her cousin and finishes oiling the green, with many coos and mental girly giggles. "There. Let's go claim a couch. We should find a good place for you to crash before I end up having to carry you in." Silarra states only to get a sigh from the dragon. << But I want more oil! I don't think you should ever *yawn* stop rubbing that in to my hide. >> But for now, Liniath trails behind as the pair end up with a couch etched with the names of past pairs of rider and dragon near the end of it.
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