Mar 20, 2007 14:23
I once again have in my home access to on-lineness. Woot.
I wish I could celebrate with a fun post, but I am in a crappy mood, so I will instead waste everyone's time with a rant. having moved out since my last post, I thus present to you this short list of observations that I've put together from three months of living with two males.
1. Putting dishes into the dishwasher. Even though it may be empty, they somehow think it much better to instead let rancid, food-caked dishes pile up for days at a time.
2. Emptying the dishwasher. Yes, I am having many issues with this humble appliance. But once again, they just don't get it.
3. Putting the toilet seat down. This one may be an old cliche, but that makes it no less irritating.
4. Using a cutting board. Days-old tomato guts dried onto the counter? Not pleasant. (I have to say, though, that Timmy is not guilty of this crime.)
5. Taking out the garbage. I just don't get it. Trash will be overflowing, and still, they keep piling it onto the little plastic receptacle. No, boys, more garbage will NOT make it go away.
And this, my dear friends, is why my life is so fucking wonderful. I get to play mother to two grown male rejects.