Shall we tell them the secret of inner peace?

Sep 29, 2004 22:13

Watched Lost in Translation tonight. Really beautiful movie. Bill Murray should have won for that (This is assuming he didn't. I'm tired, so my memory's a touch fuzzy).

Plus, Scarlett Johanssen was really, really hot. It was like, "yay". Good acting on her part as well, I thought.

Movie seemed to have kind of a "feminine" vibe to it, if that makes any sense. Didn't really have a clearly defined plot, or ending... if I didn't know and had to guess, I'd probably have figured a woman wrote and/or directed it.

Odd realization: I've never seen Bill Murray play a comedic role. I've seen him in Lost, and I've seen him in... it was either a clip or a short, of... crap, what was that? He was a WWI ambulance driver? Memory really is fuzzy.

Anyhoo, moving on.

Touched up my professor's work in Critical Thinking again today. I'm starting to worry I'm gonna piss him off. Be a shame, 'cause he seems like a pretty nice guy. Plus there's that whole thing where he grades my work and all, too.

Got my test results back in Economics today. Got a 97%, which was nice. Missed two questions, which was exactly the number I figured were in doubt, so it was nice not to be surprised on that. Dunno if they were the same two, though, as the questions weren't handed back with the results.

Couple of plugs:

Not sure if I've plugged this yet, so I thought I'd go ahead and do that. It's really very funny. The author's gonna be off doing another project for a time, though, so don't expect any updates for a while.

And why the hell aren't you reading Zebra Girl yet? What, do I have to tell you to do everything? Make sure and start from the beginning, and don't skip out just 'cause the start's a little forced. It gets a lot better. Now mush.

And now to see if my attempts at brainwashing you with my evil liberal propaganda have been succeeding: Go to the Kerry campaign signup. If you don't wanna see Bush get "four more years!", this is the best way to make that happen. Seriously, more than in any other election in living memory, each person's actions count.

Also, if you leave an E-mail address here, I can send you a sign-up link and you can join my "volunteer network". Pretty spiffy, huh?
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