Oracle duties - 9/8 Update

Sep 08, 2005 23:05

***Dedicated to the spirit of of those who will rise again*** (thanks Warren Ellis) - news source tracking the aftermath - an all-around area resource
Hurricane Katrina Survivors Forums - Survivor connection point

LJ Communities
katrina_links - all-information journal

nolarescue - LA/MS rescue/roll call
katrinarollcall - Look/Find Survivors
katrina_info - Sharing info for affected areas

katrinarelief - relief for nola, Biloxi, and others
call_to_action - support the cause!
hpkatrinarelief - shared love for Harry Potter turning into donations

LJ Users
mog_bane's list of Links, Sites, and Numbers Pertaining to Katrina
This list is VERY extensive and helpful!
interdictor lives in NOLA; first-hand news from a citizen who stayed during the storm for his company. Interestingly, that company included hosting Something Awful, which has collected over $20,000 for the Red Cross in just under 48 hours.
arkiewriter's tips for donation. She and a friend have also begun a pair of anthologies: the stories will be collected and sold in .pdf format on the web, 100% of sales going to American Red Cross and Noah's Wish--writers, check this out!
littlewolf13 is auctioning her Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab perfumes at the BPAL LJ community; ALL funds will go donations collected at her workplace Best Friends Pet Care, Inc. (see below for more information on pet boarding in the TX area).
shadbolt75 started a donation drive in which every comment would contribute $1 to the Hurricane Katrine Relief Fund. Although that comment limit was reached and the goal met, others are continuing the process! You can find a list of others to comment to at the link above! shadbolt75 is also selling items to add to the donation!
sarah531 is rewarding folks for donations to the American Red Cross with gifts of icons, screencaps, mood themes, fanfiction, and transcripts! All you have to do is send an e-mail with a scanned copy of your receipt. Her work is excellent--have a look!
sithdragn is also rewarding donations with LJ icons!

LJ Interest "hurricane katrina"

Donate to American Red Cross via

Missionfish allows you, via eBay, to sell items and donate 10%-100% of your profit, or buy items in support of the cause.'s tips on how to help

Maddox will be posting the results from his store sale/donation drive soon

Can you provide shelter? - -- offer housing.

Animal Services
The Humane Society of the United States
The Best Friends Animal Society
The American Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals
Best Friends Pet Care, Inc. is offering $5/day food and board in Houson, TX and Spring, TX for pets of displaced owners.

From an e-mail about LSU and MS State Campuses...

the AVMA Veterinary Medical Assistance Team and the Houston SPCA are working together to set up a displaced animal shelter on the Baton Rouge Campus and at another site a few miles from Baton Rouge. Donations are being taken for this cause. You can make your check payable to The Walter J. Ernst Veterinary Memorial Foundation and write Disaster Relief Fund on the memo line. Donations should be sent to the LVMA, 8550 United Plaza Blvd, Suite 1001, Baton Rouge LA 70809.

Give -- search for a collection drive in your area
American Red Cross information page on blood donation

If you are in the Orlando area: a couple co-workers of mine are members of local bands who are putting on a benefit show at Will's Pub. More details as they develop.


In the very end, it does us no good to sink in our grief. Once you have done your part, visit these links and smile once again:

Rate my Kitten - kitty pics; also links to dog and bunny sites
San Diego Zoo cams - watch pandas, elephants, more...
Orisinal - simple games by Ferry Halim
Jay is Games - blog with numerous game links and reviews

Much thanks to ventruechick, acerate, and mog_bane for passing along several links. If you have any additional links or information, please add them via comments!


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