uncleboris tagged me with this music thing, I guess it's songs I'm digging right now? I don't know. I'm not going to tag six other people though because it's freaking annoying and I don't know six more people who haven't done this already. And speaking of which, didn't we just do this with one less song a month ago? Anyway:
1. Weezer - Simple Pages
2. In Flames - Egonomic (the whole of Reroute to Remain, really)
3. Billy Joel - We Didn't Start the Fire
4. Wolfsheim - I Don't Love You Anymore
5. Gwen Stefani - Hollaback Girl
6. the Batman Begins score firmly in my brain
In other news: I need Batman Begins icons, specifically of Liam Neeson. He was hot in Ep.I, but he's simply ravishing here. And since I know he'll say something, I'm sure the good doctor will get over it,
I'm going to see The Aquabats come Wednesday, odd because this is the second year in a row they've come. I'm quite glad of it.