So, in Watchmen one Jon Osterman walks into a nuclear reactor and hopes for the best, at least the way Adrian Veidt tells it.
From Planetary #11, Cold World, in which two old men meet in an out-of-the-way bar with photographs all over the walls:
Elijah Snow: 'What is this place?'
John Stone: 'It's very secret. You wanted privacy.
It's called The Last Shot.
"There's a team of rouge ex-Soviet nuclear technicians holed up nearby. Attached to the same research team that established that the human soul is an electromagnetic field.
"They say they also found out where souls go. That Heaven and Hell are nother bet siege engines set in a constant tug-of-war against each other, and souls provide the coal. This is the place where the afterlife gets cheated.
"Electromagnetic fields, you see, get terminally disrupted by nuclear explosions. They have their last drink and their photo taken here, and then go to be strapped to an underground nuclear test device. To the triumphant dead."
Snow: "That's something worth toasting."
Finally, out of curiousity, I researched a quote in Watchmen and stumbled across this:
At play, amidst the Strangeness and Charm. Now throw all this deep thought off the (nothing ever)end(s) and go read
The Watchmen Funnies SUPER BONUS EDIT: I got
swades reading Watchmen now.
Eptymbria [9:56 P.M.]: Rorschach dies!
Sil no Kozi [9:56 P.M.]: omg spoilers. uh, yeah.
Sil no Kozi [9:56 P.M.]: LMAO
Eptymbria [9:57 P.M.]: NOooooooooo
Sil no Kozi [9:57 P.M.]: awwwww
Eptymbria [9:57 P.M.]: *sheds emo tears*
Sil no Kozi [9:57 P.M.]: Eptymbria [9:58 P.M.]: he was dirty and ugly and misunderestimated... and and ... just plain cool!
Sil no Kozi [9:58 P.M.]: Here, this is better, his shoes are the right color.
Sil no Kozi [9:58 P.M.]: I told you he was lord of all badasses.
Eptymbria [9:58 P.M.]: He just needs love.
Eptymbria [9:58 P.M.]: nobody loved him.