Identity Crisis

Dec 16, 2004 21:15

"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." -- Arthur Miller

If you believe Identity Crisis is a poor story overall, you are entitled to that opinion. You also did not read closely enough.

Just as the Justice League of America can never return to those halcyon Silver Age days of clear-cut black and white friendship, comics as a storytelling format can never return to clear-cut black and white tales. This is not to say you can't tell those kind of stories; the majority of readership in the 21st century expects a greater level of realism and consequence, and that is what comic book companies are going to publish for the sake of sales.

Of course, this is my own opinion, and obviously as debatable as any.

I must say, after a month of anticipation that in the past couple of days escalated into happy nausea (I had to work a double on Wednesday and couldn't get to the shop right away--literary torture!) reading Identity Crisis #7 was a welcome anti-climax/resolution. And it contained the theory I liked best: the idea the killer committed the crime for the sake of happiness for everyone else.

Bad and wrong. I like it.
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