Аэлита Андре - юная Пикассо

Nov 16, 2011 14:57

“Regular people don't understand this kind of art. Picasso said it took him nearly a lifetime to paint like a child. If you don't have an artist's eye, you can't see what is so great about it. None of you have the eye of an artist, so you don't know why it's so great, or why it's impressive. Abstract art is some of the hardest to paint because you can't over think it”, - "ProdigyChildArtist" Canada

На эту девочку, в свободном полёте творящую свои картины, можно смотреть долго, как на летящую птицу или плывущие облака...

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“It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child”
Pablo Picasso

Homepage Abstract Expressionist Painter Aelita Andre

"Vivid abstracts, full of life, movement and dazzling colour" Germaine Greer
"The Guardian"

живопись, Искусство

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