Demon Dean - Chapter Five

Jun 24, 2014 15:44

Title: Demon Dean - Chapter Five
Author: sil9800Characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Gabriel ( Read more... )

demon!dean, supernatural, season 10, gen, castiel, fanfic, sam, gabriel

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Comments 7

jennygeee June 24 2014, 20:34:30 UTC
Something tells me that Dean is not going to find it easy to keep his violent urges under control when he sees Metratron - just as well he's left the building for a while :)

Can't wait for more.


sil9800 June 24 2014, 21:35:03 UTC
Thanks so much! We're about half-way through what I've written so far now. Basically I'm just editing and publishing during breaks from packing and organizing the move. Not really writing anything new until after we're moved in. I'll be one very happy camper once this move is complete!

Anyway, thanks for commenting! Glad you're enjoying the story! :)


ramona4jake June 24 2014, 22:18:39 UTC
haha, leave it to Dean to have a little fun with what he can do as a demon ! ;o)

but why do I have the sensation Dean gave up too easy the pleasure to meet Metatron first hand ?... and what was with this: "When they turned the corner where they had left him, they looked down the hall and stopped dead in their tracks." ?!! you made me think Metatron managed to vanish !!!! that was mean !....


sil9800 June 24 2014, 22:38:31 UTC
LOL! You mean you thought Metatron had gotten away? Surprise! :D

As for Dean leaving, remember, he mentioned he needed to pick up some things ;)

Thanks so much for commenting! It really means a lot!


evelyncarver June 25 2014, 08:28:48 UTC
I think Cas and Gabriel have made a terrible mistake, Metatron belongs in Heaven's prison paying for his crimes. I really liked hearing about what it is like for Dean to be a demon, the more intense emotions, not needing to sleep, etc.


sil9800 June 25 2014, 14:46:35 UTC
I'm so glad you are continuing to enjoy it! I've tried to write this story to convey the dichotomy of good and evil raging inside our hero. Dean's always had a dark side to him, as both brothers have actually, but being a demon now makes it just that much harder for him to keep it in check.

Also, under normal circumstances I would agree with you about Metatron, but in this case, as Cas said, his defiance has left them no choice. He will continue to pay though. ;)


magiad January 19 2015, 20:43:01 UTC
Poor Cas and his terrible attempts at joking...
You really got me thinking that Metatron had escaped!! That was a good one!! I wonder what would happen now that they are heading to the bunker...
I'm curious.. Dean complied so easily because he was so level-headed or because he wanted a chance to drink without Sam on his back?

Oh well, I'll continue reading, want to know what happens with Dean and Metatron... ;)


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