Oct 14, 2002 02:36
Yes, blood. It's what vampires like, or hate, depending on their self-worth, and I must be part vampire. I'm sleeping down in the basement to avoid light, because I can't sleep if I feel like the dawn is creeping in through my window. In the basement, there's only one window, and I've covered it up. Aren't I clever. Maybe I won't wake up tomorrow morning. That would rock!
Sephiroth and Quistis. Well, it's not like I object or anything being that I-
Aya: *SMACK*
-that I absolutely nothing. Anyway, it wasn't my idea anyway. Hehehe... ... Well, it's 2:40 in the morning, and I still can't sleep. I've got to be up in four and a half hours. That's a long time... four hours till the "real" dawn... As you all sleep soundly, I struggle with my inner demons. Curse you. CURSE YOU!!!
But I do love you all. Especially Joe. XD Truly. I love you all so much that I shall CURSE YOU INTO WAKEFULLNESS!!! WAKE UP!! ...please..?