Jan 17, 2007 19:50
It's been a while since I last typed something here...I have my reasons...here you go...
I denounced my flats lease in the beginning of the month, reason; I felt all this not getting sleep and waking up at night is coz the flat is so noisy (my windows are on the side of building that road goes through, it happens to bee the main street of the city aswell) and I was thinking that all this dizzyness and trempling is coz I can't get enough of sleep...so that's why I did what I did....
Then I felt extremely stressed coz I had to leave in the end of this month but didn't have any place to go to...I got my arse to this student flat place and asked if they had a flat for me, I was ready to even share the flat with someone....I got lucky tho, someone had just denounced their one-room-studentflat and I'm getting it if I want to...I still haven't checked it out coz I have no keyes but before the end of this week I hope I've been able to check it out.
Then there also is this huge school thing I have to do as I'm on my senior year, and it really stressed me alot too, so at the beginnig of this month I felt like shit, cryed every day, infact one weekend I'm sure that was all I did...
I feel better now, the flat thing seems to go well, I know more at the weekend I hope, and as I've started to do the school thing too...I haven't done enough of it, but atleast now I'm on it
I apologyze if I haven't been in touch with you lot, it's coz all those things was eating me alive and I really had no energy to do anything else...I haven't even been seing my real friends that much as I had to sort this out...
But now I bid you good night as I'm off to watch Friends :)
Hoping you all are ok!