Sep 27, 2007 01:20
have you ever liked a song alot, so you look to see if it has a video, and it does, but its not the same version of the song you downloaded? if you havent, just know that it sucks. but whatev.
i start work on friday, or so im told. back at the cp-kizzle. cooking for three weeks then im on to the luxurious job of hosting. ill just be pumped to make some money. then i can buy the buddy wakefield cds, some cool shirts, and if im lucky ill have enough left over to buy food that isnt deep fried twice just to dethaw it. i think if i go to wendys again this week im going to vomit. ok so thats a lie, cuz i love wendys, but i will get fat. like der.
joe b came upon a message today next to some swedish fish on the sidewalk that read "follow the red fish". i know what your thinking. "what could it be? i bet its something really super cool. like... like a money pie... or a puppy with diamond eyes." and the first thing i would say is "what?". but regaurdless its exciting, and i was seriously pumped when he told me this. then he said he didnt follow it for fear of it leading to a back alley mugger. first problem- WHERE THE FUCK IS THERE AN ALLEY IN GRANBY? second problem- it could have just as easily been a treasure, or wormhole into a wonderous world where the clouds are made of love and rain melted andes mints. problem three- its just silly not to follow it. so i said this, and he was angry, and i ignored his angry challenges just to come back and see that he left to go find out what it was so i would shut my face. and he said it was nothing. i dont believe that, it was to well planned to be nothing. i mean come on, follow the red fish. genious. the wormhole just closed up, or the super models took their treasure and bounced.
oh boy. im in rare form today. i just keep thinking of rediculus crap. no, not crap. gold. well at least in my head. it made today not suck so much anyways. i almost forgot that my dad riped the inside panel off my passenger side door and put it back in a most likely haphazard manner. why did he do this you ask? because it was hot and that window doesnt role down. so he fixed it right, jemel? no. fuckin a.
i just considered making this hella long. like twenty-four days worth of junk for the... i dunno, i guess 2 people to read.
oh man, if i found that fishy message (get it?) i would have ran to find out what it was. and if it really was nothing, i would make it something. i would, uh... carve a voodoo soap doll and put it in a little bowl of water and have a note that labels the doll "you" and the water "lava" and maybe write a little note and make it sound as pseudo-voodoo as possible. i dunno, that doesnt actually sound that cool. but i would think of something. maybe i would just buy like 10 bags of candy and hide them under some leaves and make an "X" out of swedish fish.
wow, life is mad boring. HELLA boring even.
so get this. dustin has three qoutes from me on his facebook. the two that make me sound like a retarded douche-bag suck-fucker he labels so that everyone knows i said them. then the one that doesnt make me sound like cretin he lables in a nickname that maybe 5 people know. real cool dusty. REAL COOL.
qoute of the day: " 4-6-3 an x an o and I can't think of a better way to end the day
4-6-3 a punch a kick and I can't think of a better way to end the day
4-6-3 a yes a no and I can't think of a better way to end the day
4-6-3 it's life, death and I can't think of a better way to end the day"
-buck 65