Most of my friendslist is rather familliar with Bpal, but I'll explain for the few who aren't. Basically, it's a perfume website. They have some really awesome sounding scents, and some really crazy sounding ones. The thing that grabbed my
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There you go. XDDD
Eh, I'm not really sick. Crampy. x_x But thanks. XDD At least I know I'll feel better tomorrow or the next day. XD
Kai emailed me! I haven't talked to him since I left Gaia. T_T
Have you had any word of Cinny? I know she lives down by all those fires a couple of weeks ago, and I was a little worried.
I havent talked to Cinny in, gosh, I would say YEARS. She went completely weird and we stopped talking. Im pretty sure she removed me from her MSN or got a new SN or something and never bothered to tell me. So yeah, sorry but I have no clue as to her whereabouts or anything.
Yeah, she went really bizarre. O_o Couldn't help but worry though, with all the problems in Cali, though. With my job, I see the crisis areas highlighted every day, and keep wondering how people are.
Also, I think I directed someone to the wal mart you go to. XDD I thought I talked to Kai's brother one day, too, but I asked him, and he said he doesn't have OnStar, though. Exact same first and last name, though, in the right city. XD
LOL how do you know which wally I go to? xDDDD Are you stalking me?! xDDD
Mac users RULE. Although my poor baby is getting bogged down by my ginormous iPhoto xDDDD
No, but just from the way you described it, in the certain area of town. XD Or maybe there's a million walmarts, and I'm just kidding myself. XD
XDD I had to go through iphoto and delete a bunch of crappy pics I had. It was getting too hard to find anything. XD
There are a million walmarts here so its completely possible it was the right one xDDDD
We bought a backup hard drive just to move stuff to because we have to much crap on this puter. I need to move some stuff, my iPhoto is really getting ridiculous!! Almost 3yrs worth of pics in there!! o.0;;
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