Prescription Whoa's - Faint Of Heart, Do Not Read

Apr 05, 2007 13:07

I am going to vent a bit because if I don’t I will be forced into a violent rage that will make me want to go to My Fuck-Stick Poor Excuse Of An HR and cut off his “Freddy Ruble” head and piss down his neck.

Not really but can you tell I am a little irritated?

Here’s what happened. I went in to have my medications refilled, 7 very expensive ones where if I picked them all up at the same time, with insurance, I would still have to pay $230.00 a month. Today I went in to pick up 4 and I was told that the total was $325.00.

First I gasped, then asked what was going on and form some “Strange Reason” (Although I know it isn’t) my prescription card was no good. I did a bit of further research just to make sure that everything else was in place, which it was.

I have worked for a company who I will only refer to as “The Big Orange Box” for 5 years. Because of some health issues I was forced to go LOA, which led to short term, then long-term, but I still am an employee that is on the above said LOA.

OK here’s the skinny…

My HR, who just happens to be the reigning Spawn of Satan himself, while being incompetent and very uncompassionate, has the personality of a flounder. Well I don’t even think that would best describe him because a flounder still has feelings and the only thing they have in common is that they are both bottom feeders.

He goes through great pains to make sure that things are miserable to those who are “out”. It is the “Orange Box” way. I know this because I have been in management with them for 4 years of the 5 that I worked for them.

It is the corporate way. It is easier to get employees who will work for little than have good ones who command a higher salary. They prey on whom they deem as “bad seeds” and do what they can to get them removed. Usually killing them with paperwork.

When I started having problems back in September of last year, all of a sudden, me with no write-ups in my file started receiving them. So, sensing the nature of the beast I decided that it was in my best interest to, instead of trying to work, just go out on disability and let myself mend.

I just got off the phone with the prescription company and I was told that it would be taken care of, and to those in upper management for this company who decide the fate of those of us considered non-important…

Fuck You! You cum drunken bastards! I won another battle! I guaranty once I am done, I will also win the war!

I have 4 phone numbers on speed dial, one of which being my Lawyer, and like a quick shooter at the OK Corral; I am waiting for you to screw the pooch one final time so I have a reason to use them. That isn’t a threat that is a promise!

For those of you who work in corporate for the “Big Orange Box”, please remember these acronyms… ACLU, EEOC, TDL, ADA. By the way, my lawyer who knows much about these acronyms also has the numbers needed on speed dial. He would like nothing less to eat you for breakfast for a very well deserved fee, which he will gain after my winning, and your demise.

So this being said, let me say this as plainly and kindly as humanly possible.

Kiss My Fuzzy Hungarian Ass!
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