This Is The End

May 13, 2007 21:32

Just a note, I was sitting here and was thinking about the inevitable. We all know that it will happen. Death can be swift, it may be something that is unexpected, also too you can fall victim by someone else's hand. The result is all the same. I was playing with this and thourgh a bit of comtemplation I believe I got it where I want it.

My sergeant’s at arms, all of six march by my side, looking forward, determined, and eyes looking forward. Not a sound, quiet fills the air.

The procession dressed in black follows trying to keep composure. The end is still just a new beginning.

Leaves on the ground swirl and rustle in the wind. The remaining attempt to hold onto their color, they will be gone soon. Clinging to the branches, the end is near.

They too, like my body will be lost soon to the ravages of the elements.

I am no longer in that darkened cavern within myself. That now is traded for the depths darkness within the earth.

The warmth of the sun is forever lost in the cold of winter while I am slowly dropped into my tomb.

I look upon my shell as it is lowered, my friends, my family witness the occasion.

I wish them not to cry in sorrow the wish is for them to be happy that my journey is almost complete.

I have been given rest and complete peace,

My remains have finally found a home.

The falling soil fills in the space around me. Roses placed upon the casket, a handful of dirt mark the occasion. Once again the procession files past ever so slowly.

I hope for quick ascension. I have a reuniting to go to.
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