(pours out a 40 in honor of our fallen homie)

Jul 12, 2006 08:35

We had our little going away party for Syd yesterday and here be some (rather small) photos from that event. Oh and um, I really hope that no one takes any offense to this. It's our own way of honoring his memory and showing how much we loved him.

The cake before:

The cake after. Incase you’re wondering, yes, that is supposed to be a heart and the cake itself reads “Party up” which is also the title of a stirring DMX tune. We think that Syd totally would have dug both DMX and this song. (Oh yeah, and our names are there too):

Lighting of the candles:

Because we had to…chops and coleslaw...MADE SPECIALLY BY US...OH NOES:

Syd-face gets a very sedated bite of his chops. Sadly we ate the rest and poor Syd-face got no seconds:

The Duke-Squire gets a little too excited about her cake:

I gain twenty more pounds in ice cream in honor of Syd:


Bon voyage, Syd!

In other news, I ordered some shoes online...shoes I really, really wanted. And I to pay thirty-four fucking dollars for shipping. Have you ever heard of such ridiculousness? Anyway, I wound up paying about eighty-five dollars for the whole order...for fuck's sake...
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