Title : Whisper
Genre : Romance
Pair : Yabu Kouta/Inoo Kei
Rate : K+, which mean very safe
Warnings : Grammatical errors, random writing, and very short. Please just skip this post.
A/N Happy Birthday, Silvia! o/
“Ah! There you are, Yabu!” shouted the BEST’s chibi. “I’ve been searching for you,” he continued as he walked towards the lanky boy who sit in front of the pianist boy.
The boy named Yabu Kouta still focused reading his college book and replied the chibi, “what’s wrong?”
“I have something to tell you." He bent down and leaned closer to the leader's ear, he whispered something. Then his lips curved up as Yabu nodded his head and lifted his thumb up.
"Thank you so much, Yabu!" He hugged the older then he jumped happily away from the two college boys.
Inoo frowned at the sight. Not because the youngest of BEST member hugged the boy he fell for-that's counted, though-but moreover, because Arioka Daiki is the seventh member who whispered something to this boy in front of him. The seventh, since they sat face-to-face that day. Inoo stcratched his head with the tip of his pen while he keep frowning at Yabu.
The older boy realized a frown on the architect's big foreheas. He peeked from the corner of his book and asked him, "what?"
Imediately Inoo's forehead back to it's normal form as he tried to focus on whatever he's doing a minute ago. "Nothing," he said.
Unsure with the brunette's answer, Yabu closed his book and put it on the table near them. He changed his focus from his book to the boy. Stared at him for a moment.
And stared...
One minute...
Still stared..
Stared and not moving his eyes even for one inch..
"Okay, alright, I'll tell you. So stop staring at me." The-soon-to-be-graduated-student sighed in defeat. And that made the older boy lost his eyes on his victory smile. "I just.. Wondering why do people keep whispering something to you today. I mean, seven! Seven people in a row! I should give you an award for achieving the most whispers in a day."
The brown haired boy chuckled softly. “That’s what people called hyperbole, Kei.” Inoo shrugged as he now took the first-year-college-student’s book and started to examine the book. “So, you want some whispers? From me, perhaps?”
“I didn’t say that.” Now he’s busying himself reading random page of Yabu’s book.
“Okay, I’ll whisper something to you.” Yabu smirked as he come closer to the black haired boy.
“Don’t need.” He kept reading the book and ignoring the owner of the book.
And he, the leader of their group, a boy named Yabu Kouta, lean in to the younger, the pianist’s ear and whispered,
“I love you.”