Jun 29, 2001 14:40
This is Michael's Final good bye to everyone. he wanted me to do it in a pr, but I thought i might be a little bit easier this way.
-=Well ok everyone. I asked Erin to get you all in there for the simple purpose of watching this
-=I will try to keep this as short as possible and with as few spelling errors as i can=-
-=ok, well the night of June 28, my dad and I got in a verbal fight over what i dont remember but it was kinda bad=-
-=and he told me that he was going to send me away, and he had thratened before=-
-=so i was like *yeah sure whatever go ahead send me away i dont fucking care*=-
-=so i went back on the computer he gets n the phone, and a few hours later=-
-=he comes back and tells me to pack my stuff, i leave in the late morning afternoon=-
-=so. turns out he was serious, well at anyrate. im being sent away=-
-=i know some of you donbt care, and if you dont, gtfo i dont care. but for those thats do:=-
-=well. this is good bye. i have had the most *dramatical* year and a half of my life in fvp=-
-=and one of the greatest learning expirences also. never would i have thought i would be friends with so many people=-
-=from so many different places, like erin in tx, crissy in missouri soon to be colorado=-
-=etc etc and well. yeah. not much else to say, you all were a family to me=-
-=especially since i basicly ignored my family to be in FvP with you all=-
-=anyways. i just wanted to say a final goodbye.=-
-=if you wondering why i do it this way, instead of personaly talkin to you=-
-=well, i dont think, i could manage saying it to everyone=-
-=ok. im done. good bye everyone.much <3 to all=-
-=gone like whoaness=-