Nov 29, 2008 01:03
Nothing to say but I'll say things anyway.
Thanksgiving was another expected disappointment. Instead of my grandmother and Papa not being invited and then having three separate Thanksgivings, it was all four aunts finding something else to do on Thanksgiving (and this is the first year that not I didn't see a single aunt on Thanksgiving, including her husband and offspring, which would make for a hardy and rambunctious Thanksgiving for just about every Thanksgiving of my life until this year.)
So instead of a rambunctious Thanksgiving, it was a one Thanksgiving where I was watching the children be children and the other more intellectual Thanksgiving where it was okay to be bored if I was.
Today was practice. Tonight was Italian food and a crappy bar...overall (overall, mind you) the people weren't so bad) and the drinks weren't so bad...but the service was a buzz kill in itself. Average waiting time for a drink or even to pay your tab was about 20 minutes. The outliers are of coarse the people who waited for 45 min. (like me) and then the people who waited less than 8 minutes and were served immediately.
This goes to show: if the bar is full, check and see how many people are bartending. Ask peope who are waiting how long they have been waiting. If you find more than 5 belligerent people (or someone like me who was almost ready to cry because she was not only waiting for 30 min. plus, but her ride was being forced to wait just because of her....) just leave. Go to Wal-Mart, buy the booze there and go home. A lot funner than waiting on crappy service.
Other than those minor set-backs, the people who I did not wish to speak to were respectful in not addressing me, so I found myself thankful for this.
I also have a warm bed to sleep in tonight
I have music to learn.
Lines to hair smells like ciggarrette smoke, which is disgusting. I would take a shower but our well is dried up at the I will baby-wipe what I can on my skin...the rest, I simply hope will not leak into my nose too much.
This is the first year I ate pecan pie.
This is the first year I didn't make the Thanksgiving prayer (led by aetheists this time, ironically.....and yet I still longed to be there....)
This is the first year I didn't see a grandparents from my mom's side of the family.
This is the first year the library was open to everyone during Thanksgiving.
This is the first year I had an alcoholic drink with my Thanksgiving dinner.
This is the first year I didn't necessarily think "gee, I miss my cousins."
(it's more like, "Gee, I miss what it was like when my cousins and everyone else I typically recall being here at this time being here....")
This is the first year I didn't bother shopping on Black Friday (that I know of.)
I'm too tired to think of more.
My hair smells horrible.
The curse of having loooooong hair.