My leg looks so gross. And it hurts like a mother bitch.
Other than that I'm doing pretty good. I've been working on my truck a lot. I have good news though. Jessi and I are talking again. No, not in a dating way. We're talking as friends again. I heard that she wasn't mad at me anymore, so I came to her to apologize for all the nasty comments I said to her. I told her I don't think she's a slut, or a whore, or a bitch (well, not that big of a bitch. Haha), and I don't hate her. She apologized for everything she did and said. And now we're finally getting where I want us to be. Best friends. That's all I want. A great friendship. The thing that we had when we first met. Before all the drama, before all the shit that went down. That girl and I have been through SO much and I don't regret the 8 months we spent together one bit. She has changed my life and I will never forget any of the memories or the shit that we have been through. I will love her forever and always. She will be in my thoughts and my heart no matter what. This time's for real. Best friends mean friends forever. This is to you Jessi, for loving me the way you did, for changing me for the better, and for changing my life in a way that no other person ever has before. I love you. And I will be here for you nomatter what.