May 26, 2004 00:22
In my opinion, money is the root of all that is evil and is the worst invention ever made. It makes me so angry thinking about it. Every fucking day, people kill, die, ruin their lives, all for money. It's just fucking paper. It is the root of greed. And I can no longer take it. It makes me sick to my stomach knowing that we live in a world where one CAN NOT SURVIVE without money. And I mean you absolutely can not survive. You can't eat, sleep, or breath in this world without money. And this is the way it has been for some time. And I get so angry that I get sick knowing that I cannot change it. Every day I have to use it and I too need it. And it sickens me because I can't live without it either. Society has been brainwashed since they were children. They only know what they've been taught. Every day since we've started school, they've pounded it into our heads. You need to stay in school, get good grades, so you can go to college, to get a better job, to earn more money. Well fuck that. I can't take it anymore.
Another thing I can't take is our government. Don't get me wrong. I love Democracy. It is the greatest. But it has been tampered and fucked with so much by tyrant politicians that want to rule the world so that it isn't a Democracy anymore. They decieve us and cover the truth up so that we think it's a Democracy. Last time I checked, a Democracy was ruled by the people. Then how come who we vote for president doesn't become president? They're voted in by the Electoral College. Last time I checked, Democracy didn't consist of the people voting for people to vote. Another problem I have with our government now is how we invaded Iraq. People wonder why a lot of countries hate the United States. Not because we're free, because we can't keep our nose where it doesn't belong. We had no proof that Iraq was tied to any terrorist attacks. And we also never found any nuclear weapons. Hmm... What other country has nuclear weapons but isn't getting bombed for it? Try the United States. Our politicians that rule us want to rule the world. I hate the greed. And they also said that they wanted to free the citizens from Saddam Hussein's rule. When did Iraqi citizens ask the U.S. for help? They didn't. If they wanted help or didn't want to be under Saddam's rule, they would have done it themselves or asked themselves. But of course, the good old U.S. had to poke its big ass where it didn't belong just to "help out the Iraqi citizens who never asked for help." But, I know the real reason we invaded Iraq: Oil. That's the only reason. That place is filled with Oil that our greedy ass recovering alcoholic president wants. That's why.
One more thing, anyone reading this that doesn't know exactly what The Patriot Act is, needs to pay close attention. This is important. Under the Patriot Act, if the CIA, FBI, or even local law enforcement agencies have even a hunch that you might be involved in any terrorist activites or don't support this country, without a warrent, they can tap your phone lines, monitor your computer activity, place surveilance cameras in your home, search your home while not there, follow you to your job, watch your basic everyday activities, and just basically invade your privacy completely. That is bullshit. That isn't the worst of it though. The American citizens voted to pass this act. "Why?" you ask. Because the govenment decieved us and kept the truth from us about what the Patriot Act really does. They only gave information of glittering generalities toward a better country and more safety. They didn't tell us of the privacy they would be invading. Privacy is a human right. Not a privilage granted or taken by the government.
*Peace, Love, and Empathy*