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sherrilina September 26 2011, 22:42:27 UTC
Lol your post is really hard to read on a phone with the black text over all those pictures, but I think I managed...well at least you thought it was average, I guess! :p. IDK, to me it was on par with some of the highlights of s5 in terms of quality, I mean obviously it's no s1, but this show changes every season, as a friend I've been showing it to season by season noted. I think it keeps things fresh, as long as the quality remains high....and I disagree as far as the brotherly relationship goes, they were very strong/on good footing in the end of s6 and still are, even if Dean was a little mad at Sam for hiding his hallucinations--but I don't think he was genuinely that furious, he let's it drop and has a mild enough manner. I think Dean recognizes that Sam was doing the same thing to Dean--protecting him with ignorance--that Dean has always done for Sam in the past, which is why he was more resigned than outright furious. And obviously the reason why Dean doesn't continue looking for Sam at the very end is that he knew the widow of opportunity for the eclipse was closing and that de-souling Cas was the more immediate priority, however much he wanted to go after Sam, and then the Leviathan thing happened so quickly they barely had time to react!

I think a lot of Cas's deeds as "God" were meant to be somewhat humorous (Westboro/saying that God doesn't care about sexual orientation/the window, New Age speakers, etc), though scary/disturbing at the same time, like the people at Madison Square Gardens, the ravage at the campaign office, etc. With the Leviathan twist we see that Cas's actions in s6 did have terrible consequences, so that Dean and Sam's objections to the purgatory plan were justified. I'm not sure what else you were looking for...I highly doubt we've seen Real!Cas's exit fro the show though.

And why is the treatment regarding Sam's wall half a season too late? :s

As for people not watching without Misha, I agree it's a bit childish, though I suppose people like the show for different things...:/


sikeminatural September 29 2011, 22:42:15 UTC
Oh sorry. It shows up on a white BG on my phone. I wouldn't ever set the layout like that, lol.

S5 quality is reaching, imo. And I didn't even like s5. But it was a lot better than s6 and this ep imo. This ep had too much talking and too much Cas lol. I do realise that they can't just get rid of him but lol I just don't care what happens to him anymore. And I'm kind of fed up of every big bad having a meatsuit. So I don't even want Misha to stick around as not!Cas.

Sam's storyline should have been dealt with in season 6 because that's when the wall was put up! We had signs of it cracking and Cas breaking it could easily have happened instead of that awful mother of all plot. Now that we're in another season it just seems misplaced to me. But it's Sam so I can take it haha. XD


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