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sikeminatural September 25 2009, 22:37:27 UTC
What you wanted her to hook up with Sam? I thought they would but then...they didn't LOL

MISHA IS THE BEST besides J2 - agreed!!

I have to be honest, I didn't get the Raphael scenes at all. It wasn't very clear to me, or at all. Just that he had something to do with starting the apocalypse. It was interesting how in between that we saw Sam saying 'I started the apocalypse' when he didn't - the angels did!!

OMG that demon blood...when they did that. I was like NO WTF. I thought they'd try to kill him!! LOL I was screaming out loud haha. I had listen with earphones so I could hear over myself haha.

BROTHER FAIL. I know! I was like 'Dude, those IDs cost money!' I think that Dean would say yes only after Sam said yes....like to save him or to save the world from him. BUT...Cas said Dean being Michael's vessel would leave him in like a bad condition...maybe kill him? What if the same happened to Sam??? Arghh

I've been hysterical after all three. Which is normal for me but still



haha I can't wait to see Stoner! Cas next week...ahaha

"Hello, Dean" :O


frozenglibber September 25 2009, 22:57:08 UTC
I kinda wanted it. I mean it looked like they would hook up. It looked like that pretty MUCH!

Erm. When you go farther back to the REAL beginning then ... Dean started the apocalypse. I mean ... he made that deal which put him into hell where he ... uhm, what's the word? ... agonized (?) all those souls. .__. but when you go even farther back ... you could say God started it cause he let Dean made this deal. Lol. But that's pretty insane. :D

LOL! That's your whole point? It costs money? Haha. You know you only need a copy shop and some skillz and it's not that expensive. Haha.

Argh. I don't even want to think about what happens after the time as an Angel Condom. ;___; It can't be good!

Haha lol. Yeah. "Are you stoned?" - "uhm, yes" HAHA. Oh God. Can't wait. Is it thursday yet?

Naw ... i'm going to watch this ep again. Now!


sikeminatural September 27 2009, 11:29:15 UTC
They were hinting at and we know now that they were supposed to but in what way would it not be weird? And why would Sam have sex when he's seen Jess and clearly she's still his one true love. And Lindsay was annoying as hell. So lol i'm glad they cut it out...

Dean is in denial, he'll come to his senses eventually!



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